Chapter 30

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The morning

The news about Lily still wasn't discovered yet.

You had awakened from your slumber, seeing Mantis already awake and energetic. Folding some of your laundry with a big smile on her face. When you sat up suddenly all the pain from yesterday washed all over you. You hissed at the stinging on your arm but ignored it, knowing how much trouble you were in.

You went to do your usual morning routine, shower, hair, outfit. You took some foundation and applied it to your neck, covering the huge bruise. Then you changed into an oversized hoodie to hide the big throbbing scar on your arm.

Once you arrived to the living quarters, you instantly received a message by Steve

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Once you arrived to the living quarters, you instantly received a message by Steve. You got up and left your breakfast behind.

You were in the conference room faced with Natasha and Steve. You were still angry and sad for what she did to you. Temptation filled you to jump over the table and attack her, but you couldn't make the situation worser than it already was. Steve went rambling on and on about how much of a stupid idea it was and how bad it could've been. Eventually he decided to get to the bottom of it, where punishments were given. You both had to explain your point of views to see who's liable.

You lowered your head onto your arms, knowing you were about to be exposed. For some reason, Natasha didn't expose the fact that Mantis confirmed you were in love with Loki. You lifted your head up and saw her still looking firmly at you. She explained the events of the fight and everything. Eventually it was your turn.

"Natasha had come into my room. Her and Mantis formed a plan, to read my mind. When she did, I got angry. So I did attack Natasha. I know i'm wrong, I shouldn't have resorted to violence. I'm not going to protest against my punishment." You let out, staring into a void. It was obvious who was at fault.

You owned up and took accountability for your actions.

"Well, since you assaulted Natasha, you will be grounded in your room for a week. You won't be allowed out, and if you do step out you will be put in a cell. Is that clear?" Steve said firmly. You just nodded. "Alright, your both dismissed."

You headed back to your room, where you had no choice but to stay in there for a week. If anything you were grateful, so many worser things could've happened. Plus you weren't complaining considering you were stuck in a luxury room.

Mantis was already gone with the guardians, so expecting nobody to come in you took off your jacket, you were wearing a tank top underneath. Then you washed the foundation from your neck and flopped onto your bed. It was a bad idea considering the knock on the door. You had no time, you quickly got your jacket and used it as a blanket to cover your neck and arm. You opened the door to reveal Loki who instantly came in and wrapped his arms around you, checking if you were alright.

"I heard what happened with you and Natasha yesterday, are you okay?" He asked, with concern written all over his face. The jacket-blanket covering you didn't go unnoticed by him. "Yes, i'm fine." You kindly reassured him.

Love is a dagger. (Loki x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now