Chapter 2

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Finally, after 3 years we can destroy the avengers. We.. I mean you will make them suffer slow and painful deaths. Don't disappoint me Y/N.

75% of you was being brainwashed. Sent to obey orders by Hydra.

6:30 AM (morning of the attack)
Guard: Get up Y/N. It's time for training
He walked out
Y/N: Ugh...

You barely got any sleep due to the fact that 25% of you was nervous. You did as you were told and got up. You brushed your teeth and fixed your hair and wore your training outfit.

(pretend the green is purple)

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(pretend the green is purple)

After you finished your morning routine, you were served with just a protein bar and a protein shake for breakfast. It wasn't a normal or healthy breakfast, but it was the only thing they'd give you, plus you would need that extra protein and energy for today.

You went into the big training room. First thing you decided to practice was hand to hand combat.
You walked up to the punching bag and started releasing your anger onto it. After 30 minutes of punching and letting all your aggression out, you started fighting the robot figures. They were smart and almost human like, which made it feel like actual competition. You decided to go all out, since there are a lot of avengers you decided to make it a 1v5.  It was really hard and tiring, so you lost. For that you got a beating from one of the guards.

It was pretty obvious you weren't going to win against them by yourself. So Hydra decided to boost all your powers up to 9/10 strength for 24 hours. They were afraid that if they kept it permanently you would out-power them and escape, or if they had lost and you were back to your original state, you would help the avengers.

You had decided to switch and start training your powers now. With one energy blast you had made the robot explode into tiny pieces. You had no idea you were capable of that, but that's what happens when your power is boosted to 9/10.

8:00 Am (One hour before the attack begins)

This was your mission outfit.

(Pretend the greenish part is also purple)

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(Pretend the greenish part is also purple)

You were flying back to where the Avengers tower was. You were finally allowed outside. Standing outside of the tower had given you a flashback

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