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"We can't risk Lex finding out about her. If he knows there's another daughter of Krypton he'll kill her."

And that was the day that Alora had forgotten about Kara Zor-El.

So when the hero died the next day, it didn't affect her as much. Because she didn't remember.

Until now.

"There has been a report that a man named Lex Luther has killed Supergirl."

"Lex Luther. . ."

"Supergirl. . ."

Sara Lance hovered over the little baby.

"Don't worry," she said. "We can take her somewhere safe."

Sara Lance carried the baby towards a house. When the door opened a couple appeared.

"Ray. Nora. How've you been?"

"Oh boy," Ray muttered.

Nora had a pregnant belly.

"Look, we just need you to take care of her until she disappears."

"Disappears?" Nora repeated. "You looked into her future didn't you?"

"Danvers wanted me to keep her safe. So I am! When she turns eighteen she will be sent somewhere."

"And where's somewhere?" Ray asked.

"I don't know," Sara said, worried. "That's all Gideon told me."

"Let's say she does go to this other place, what happens if she comes back?" Nora asked.

Sara pulled out something from her pocket.

"Then you give her some cash and tell her to follow this thing. It'll lead her to the DEO."

Ray and Nora sighed.

"I'm sorry, but I figured if anyone was capable and sane to take care of a baby, it's you guys."

"Antonio," Ray said.

The women gave him a confused look.

"It's my cover name."

"Or it could just be Ray."

Which is how they ended up becoming 'Antonio' and Nora Palmer. Their daughter, Lily Palmer was born a few months after Sara's visit. The Animal Hospital? Also a cover up. It was a fabricated hospital with holograms of people and pets.

"Okay little Aly," Ray said, rocking her. "Looks like I'm your dad now!"

"Hey, what's that symbol?" Nora asked, looking at the bracelet.

He gasped.

"She's Kryptonian!" Ray said.

Nora's eyes shot open.

"She's Kryptonian?" she repeated.


"Like Supergirl and Superman?"

"Y-Yeah. That's why the bracelet has that little 'S' symbol. It means hope."

"So why didn't they think of giving her to Clark. I mean, wouldn't he be able to help control her powers?"

Ray narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"Huh. I guess Gideon must've seen something. Or maybe Alex or Kara didn't want her to know about her powers."

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