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twenty one

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twenty one

THE EDGE HAD BEEN A COMPLETE, UTTER MESS. Alora groaned as she was flying up, hammering each plank onto the broken bridges. She was tired and had been working around the clock to help rebuild the Edge. So, she decided to take a break and soak in the sun's rays. She was almost done rebuilding it, all Alora needed to do was finish up the bridge connecting Snotlout's hut to the clubhouse and that was about it.

She did indeed finish patching it up. And as per her deal with Hiccup she was to rest under the sun for two days.

Two days.

And a lot happened within those two days. Of course, Hiccup caught me up. But don't minimize my experience either. Because what I found out completely changed the course of everything.

As Alora sat on the edge of the volcano. She felt something click. Something that was going to change her life for the better, or worse.

There were screams of terror raging all around her. People were running as fires broke out left and right. She could feel their fear. A couple held her in their arms before putting her inside something. A pod. The woman looked at the bracelet in her hands. a very familiar bracelet and placed it on her child's chest.

"My sweet, sweet baby," she said.

"It'll be okay dear," the man said.

"We love you Aly," she cried.

The man pulled out a crystal and spoke into it.

"As of today you are no longer a San-Jox. You are a Zor-El. The family has been kind enough to integrate you into their family. Their daughter, Kara will watch over you as well as her younger cousin. Be safe. Be kind. Be careful as you live your life on Earth. Listen well to Kara and know that we love you and though you bear the symbol of the House of El, San-Jox blood will always run through your veins."

He paused.

"May the light of Rao guide you to safety."

He placed the crystal in her pod and soon enough, sent her on her way.

At first there was darkness. Then, a loud explosion set baby Aly crying. She saw a blackhole appear and it quickly sucked her inside.

What she didn't realize was that she'd been stuck in there for years. Kara Danvers was twenty four when little Aly arrived on Earth.

She remembered all the memories. Her memories. The question is, how had she forgotten it all?

"Brainy, are you sure this will work?"

"Do not panic Kara, if my calculations are correct — and they are — she will have no memory of us and will be able to live a normal life."

"Are you sure you wanna go through with this?" Alex asked.

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