Permanently Yours - Chapter 2

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We were finally on our way home and I was stuffed. Once we got home, I laid on the couch and not even 30 seconds later Vic jumped on top of me and started tickling me again! We started wrestling and we both fell off of the couch. He was on top of me and we weren't even a full inch from each other. We both stared at each others lips and I just said awkwardly, "Okay well uh.. I'll be in my room if you need me.." He was still on top of me and the boys came in yelling and laughing. 

They had a movie in their hand and a lot of food. I stood up and took as much food as I could and said, "Nobody is allowed to eat my food!" They took it back and started running around the house. "If you want it you'll have to catch me first!" They were all laughing. I just gave up. Mike and Tony were on the couch, Jaime was on my recliner, and unfortunately Vic and I had to share the floor. THE FLOOR. Could you believe this? My own house and I have to sit on the floor. I laid out a feather mattress and some blankets and pillows for comfort and just laid down, trying to take up as much room as possible so that Vic had no room. Sadly that didn't work though, because I'm only 5'0 and I'm super skinny and tiny.

I spread out my arms and legs, and Vic knew exactly what I was doing so he just laid down on top of my arm, but my legs weren't in his way. "Get off!" I yelled. "Maybe if you weren't trying to take up all this space that wouldn't of happened!" He said. I mentally laughed. I just rolled over and waited for Mike to put the movie in. I don't know what movie it was, but I know it was a scary movie, and I get so scared during them (Obviously!) I hid my face most of the movie, and Just as I was about to fall asleep, Vic put his arms around my waste and pulled me closer. Oddly enough, I liked the feeling of him holding me, so I just pretended to still be asleep. He started kissing my neck, which made it uncomfortable so I moved under the blankets more.

I woke up to them all jumping around me and screaming to wake up. "Go away!" I just rolled over and put the blankets over my head. "Alright, that's it!" I knew that meant something, so I clung to the blankets as tight as possible. Suddenly I felt all these hands all over my body and I was being picked up! Flailing my arms around, I was yelling for them to put me down. "Nope! You asked for this!" Vic grabbed on to me and jumped in the pool with me in his arms. I was so angry you would't even believe it!

I got out and marched into the house. They all knew I was mad. I was too upset for words. Looking at the time, my eyes got wide. 8:00 AM. 8:00 AM?!?! Why the hell would they wake me up at 8 fucking AM I thought to myself. I changed my clothes so I could be dry, then I went outside to yell at them, but when I opened the door they weren't out there. Then, I felt someone pick me up by my legs. I looked down, and I was on Vic's shoulders! I screamed for Vic to let me down, because I felt like I was going to fall! He put me on the mattress that we were originally sleeping on and got on top of me and started tickling me AGAIN!

"WHY DO YOU KEEP TICKLING ME?!" My face was red from laughter and anger. "Because you don't like it" He said, laughing. "Are you trying to make me mad on purpose?! You know I didn't want you here in the fir-" Suddenly, he kissed me. I tried to pull away from it but I started to enjoy it. We kissed for a long time, and then I pushed him off after I realized I was supposed to hate him. 

"Why do you hate me so much!?" He said. I felt bad after that, but didn't want to show it so I just said "because!" Tony, Jaime, and Mike walked in and laid on the couch and recliner. Thankfully, Vic just backed off after that, but not for long. He was still trying to hold me, and I liked his friends and didn't want them to have a bad impression of me, so I didn't struggle with Vic. For some reason though, I just changed after that. I started to grow feelings for Vic more and more every day.  

Every day it was something new with them and we all grew really close. After a week of them being here, the guys grew comfortable with it and acted like it was their own house. We all played video games and watched movies, we sang together and had dance parties in our own house, we all just had so much fun and acted like little kids. 

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