For some reason, she found herself mentally correcting herself whenever she thought the word 'Boreadon' after seeing Ben.

"Oh..." Ben said and frowned slightly. He didn't like the idea of Mal being in pain and not saying anything.

"We didn't hurt it when we signed your cast?" Akiho asked.

"...I though you were the only one who signed it today, snowflake?" Mal said, tilting her head.

Emir chuckled, tossing the marker up and down in his hand. "Akiho makes it way too easy to swipe from him," he teased.

"Your mama said you're only supposed to use what your papa taught you in emergencies though," Ben said, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, and Akiho not giving up the marker was an emergency Ben!"

Mal snorted slightly in amusement. I think Harry might like these guys, she thought. Though I don't know how they'd do on the Isle and I know there's no way Harry would leave his family. Especially to come here.

"But anyway, we got off topic," Ben said and turned to Mal, smiling at her. "We're having a party for my birthday and I want you to come."

"...really?" Mal asked. "You want me there?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Ben asked. "I get to have my friends at my party and you're my friend."

Mal shook her head. The last thing she wanted was to appear around Boreadon royals with her ankle still in her cast. She didn't want to look weak. "I...I don't think other royals would want a kid from the Isle at your party."

"Wait you're from the Isle? What's it like?"

"Ignore the walking sugar rush," Emir said, shaking his head as he covered Akiho's mouth as the blond continued to rattle off questions.

"He's...he's not running away," Mal said.

"Why would he do that?" Emir asked. "You're nice. Like Ben. And we like Ben so why wouldn't we like you?"

Ben nodded. "And it doesn't matter what other royals want Mal. I want you there. Like I said, you're my friend. Not to mention it wouldn't be fair to have a party here and not invite you!"

"People might not show up if they know I'm there though."

"So? Then that just means we get our own supercool party with just us, Emir, Akiho, Abby, and Chip! More cake for us too! Well not for Abby cause she'd just get it all over her face and that's a waste of cake."

"...I'm sure your parents don't want me there," Mal said softly.

Ben shrugged. "Maman and papa say I can have whoever I want at my birthday and I want you."

"Feeling the love Ben!"

"Emir, you already got an invite!" Ben shook his head before looking back at Mal. "If the others who are coming have an issue with you being there, they can talk to me about it. It's my birthday....but if you don't want to come you don't have to."

Mal sighed. Someday he's going to reveal how he can do those eyes, she thought. It's like looking at a kicked puppy!

"...I'll ask Lady Steph," she said after a minute and pocketed the invite.

Ben grinned. "Great! Now I think Chip said that there were some strawberries and chocolate dip in the kitchen for a snack while we wait for our mamas and papas to get out of their meeting."

"What're strawberries?" Mal asked and that seemed to be the key to unlock the pure insanity that was the trio of boys before her as they quickly scurried her to the kitchen; Emir and Akiho lifting the wheels of her chair and Ben holding the back so she wouldn't fall out as they went up the stairs.

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