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"What's up with you?" Andy asked while she and Maya worked out in the gym.

"Nothing." Maya said.

Frowning, Andy stopped and looked at Maya. "You're lying."

"I'm not lying." Maya said.

"Maya, I've known you for years. What's going on?" Andy asked with a sigh.

"Carina and I had a fight. I went for a run and she assumed I slept with Jack again. I explained that I was with my brother in the park but I don't think she believed me." Maya said.

Andy frowned and shook her head. "Why do you say that?"

"Because I hurt her once before. I think she's just waiting for me to do it again." Maya said.

Sighing, Andy began working out again. "Maybe you guys need a break from everything."

"From everything?" Maya asked. "Do you mean from each other?"

Andy nodded her head. "Yes, but I'm not saying to end things. You just need some time apart."

Maya ran her fingers through her hair. She sighed deeply.

"Just think about it." Andy said softly.

Maya nodded. "I'm going to get some air." She left the room.


Carina frowned as she looked at Maya. "You are breaking up with me?"

"Not breaking up with you but I think we need to take some time to be alone." Maya said tentatively.

Pain filled Carina's eyes and she pulled away. "If that is what you want. I will leave then." She said, moving to start packing a bag.

Maya sighed deeply, ran her fingers through her hair and then covered her face with her hands to hide the fact that she now had tearspstreaming down her cheeks.

A few minutes passed and Carina walked out with a suitcase. "Goodbye Maya." She said, making her way toward the door.

Maya turned her head to look at Carina as she left.


Three weeks later

Not seeing Carina was killing Maya. She truly missed the brunette more than anything. She was miserable and sad.

"Hey, you good?" Andy asks, sitting down in the chair opposite of Maya's desk.

Maya glanced up at Andy but said nothing.

"Maya?" Andy asks, tilting her head to the side.

Maya sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "Yes?"

"What's going on?" Andy asked softly.

"I took your advice. Carina and I are on a break." Maya said bitterly.

Andy frowned slightly. "How long has the break been?"

"Three weeks." Maya said.

"Woah, that's more than a break Maya." Andy says, her eyes wide in shock. "Breaks are usually a few days to a week."

"Well, I didn't know that. Did I?" Maya said.

Andy sighed softly. "Try talking to her."

Maya sighed. "I don't think that'll work."

"Just try it Maya." The brunette responded before standing up.

Maya ran her fingers through her hair and sighed deeply. Maybe she could stop Carina after work? "I'll go see her after she finishes work." She said.

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