19 | Regret • Part 1

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Devereaux strode down the foreboding path that connected the Land of Shadows to the accursed realms of Hell, dark, swirling tendrils of energy trailed in his wake, casting an ethereal glow that clashed with the ominous shadows around him

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Devereaux strode down the foreboding path that connected the Land of Shadows to the accursed realms of Hell, dark, swirling tendrils of energy trailed in his wake, casting an ethereal glow that clashed with the ominous shadows around him. The dense forest of gnarled trees stood twisted and contorted like the condemned souls within the underworld. Eerie wisps of smoke danced through the air, their ghostly forms illuminated by the faint crackling of distant fires. The very atmosphere seemed to writhe with an otherworldly malevolence.

The flickering glow of infernal flames cast a macabre illumination upon the twisted landscape. Shadows danced wildly, distorted by the erratic dance of the hellish fires. Sinister silhouettes of grotesque creatures, lurking in the periphery, seemed to come alive in the dim light. Their forms twisted and contorted, blending seamlessly with the nightmarish surroundings. It was as if the very fabric of the spiritual realm responded to his presence.

Before him stood the shattered remnants of the old Ephemeral Gateway, a crumbling testament to a time when the portal monitored entities traversing between realms. The once majestic arch, crafted from ancient stones adorned with intricate carvings and embedded gems, now lay in disrepair. The stones, once meticulously arranged, had succumbed to the ravages of time, their surfaces weathered and worn.

The carvings that had once depicted celestial beings and ethereal landscapes were now mere fragments of their former glory. They had used to depict stories of realms intertwined, of cosmic journeys undertaken by beings both benevolent and malevolent. Now, these carvings were fragmented, their details lost to the ages, leaving only vague impressions of the tales they once conveyed.

Adjacent to the arch, a small cabin stood, its structure weathered but resilient. The cabin, likely a station for those who once operated the Eternal Gateway, had seen better days. Its walls bore traces of intricate symbols, remnants of protective wards and enchantments that had long since waned.

Vines had claimed parts of the cabin, weaving through cracks in the walls and around the remnants of what might have been windows. The air around the ruins carried a haunting stillness, as if the very stones retained a whisper of the countless entities that had passed through the gateway in ages past.

On the remnants of the old Eternal Gateway, ravens perched majestically. Not metaphorical or symbolic ravens, but the literal feathery kind-their glossy black feathers caught the dim light of the underworld, creating an almost ethereal sheen. Their keen, watchful eyes scanned the surroundings with an intelligence that seemed almost unnatural.

As Devereaux approached the gate the ravens greeted him with a chorus of chirps-not ordinary avian sounds but a melodic symphony that resonated with recognition and allegiance. The glossy black feathers caught the dim light of the underworld, creating an almost ethereal sheen as they fluttered their wings in a rhythmic dance.

Among them, a particular raven stood out. Its demeanour exuded a sense of deference and familiarity. Unlike the others, it ceased its chirping and executed a deep bow, a respectful gesture that conveyed more than mere avian greetings. The dark lord's keen eyes fixed on this distinctive creature, recognizing it as Sam, the collector. The Dark Lord pondered over its life cycle from a human to a denizen to a raven guard. It was not that everyday he gave second chances to souls he met during this long run.

Since the day he assumed control over Hell and the Land of Shadows, a millennium and a half ago, this portal had remained unmonitored. Before his tenure as Death, monitoring the portal had been part of his responsibilities. However, the moment he gained authority over it, he decided to shut down the monitoring system.

Instead Devereaux had chosen these intelligent birds to oversee whoever passed through the gateway. Rogue had accused him of being paranoid, but Devereaux was not willing to have someone seated in that cabin as the guardian to be his replacement; just like it happened between Gan Gagagore and him, once The Ladies grew bored of him or if he ever happened to violate a serious law.

Ever since he ascended to the throne of Hell, no one dared to play tricks or test his patience. He had established it in every soul that his presence was there to instil fear. The ravens, with their keen eyes and sharp intellect, ensured that the travels between realms happened without incident or defiance. The fear of facing the Dark Lord's wrath was enough to maintain order and obedience.

Devereaux's anger simmered like an infernal cauldron, fueled by the injustices that had befallen Ada. The snake, with its venomous presence, had woven a web of misery around her, pushing her to the brink of surrender. Each coil of that serpent's influence stoked the Dark Lord's fury, an unrelenting fire that blazed within him.

Frustration gnawed at his core as he contemplated Lady Fate's intricate game, using Ada as a pawn in her cosmic designs. The manipulation of a mortal for celestial gains irked him, and he harboured resentment towards the elusive Lady Fate for orchestrating events that tested Ada's resilience to its limits.

Lady Birth, too, drew the ire of Devereaux. The one who was supposed to nurture and protect had seemingly remained aloof, allowing Ada to navigate a treacherous path without intervention. The Dark Lord's frustration bubbled as he questioned why Lady Birth had not stepped in to shield Ada from the torment she endured.

Auden, with his narrow-mindedness and reluctance to trust his sister, added to the cauldron of Devereaux's vexation. The failure to recognize the depth of Ada's sacrifices and the blindness to her struggles grated on the Dark Lord's patience. Auden's actions, or lack thereof, fueled the frustration that now surged within Devereaux.

The intensity of his anger grew with each step, resonating with the malevolence of the surroundings. The hues within his anger shifted, ranging from deep, foreboding shades to fiery bursts of crimson, reflecting the conflicting emotions within him.

With an unyielding vow echoing in the shadows, Devereaux propelled himself forward, crossing the threshold of the remaining arch of the ephemeral gateway. His every step carried the weight of his determination to exact retribution, a promise to make those who had turned Ada's life into a tragedy pay the steep price for their transgressions. The snake, a venomous architect of her suffering, occupied the forefront of his thoughts, and the intensity of his rage matched the ferocity of a blazing inferno.

The gateway's remnants quivered with the energy of his resolve as he moved through it, the air crackling with the raw power of his determination. The amber silhouette of his wrath cast a stark contrast against the dim surroundings, an ominous portent of the storm that churned within him.

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Hell, a realm of eternal suffering, is a place where the air is thick with the stench of despair. The landscape is an arid expanse of desolation, devoid of life and colour. The ground is cracked and charred, perpetually aflame with unholy fires that cast eerie shadows across the barren terrain.

Tormented souls, clad in tattered remnants of their mortal lives, wander aimlessly, their anguished cries echoing through the infernal abyss. Each soul is burdened with the weight of its sins, manifested in grotesque and twisted forms that reflect the nature of their transgressions.

Punishments are as diverse as the sins themselves. For the deceitful, serpent's coil around their bodies, constricting and squeezing with every step. The greedy are submerged in molten gold, their insatiable desires forever unfulfilled as the metal burns their avaricious flesh. Those who sow discord find themselves entangled in an unending dance of violence, forced to harm and be harmed by their fellow damned.

The air is filled with the wails of the remorseful, the regretful, and the irredeemable. Demonic overseers, grotesque and menacing, administer their malevolent justice, ensuring that each soul suffers in accordance with its earthly transgressions.

A/N: Continuing in next part...

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