All is fair in Love and War

Start from the beginning

Yang Zhen remembers the first time he met the guy beside him. Gu Wei, the physiotherapist, who was in the middle of having a heated argument with his brother, Yang Kang. Yang Zhen remembered how their eyes met when he had jumped in the middle of the argument to calm the situation. Yang Zhen remembers how much the eyes of the physiotherapist talked to him in silence. Yang Zhen at that very moment knew that he was done for. After that day, the two have been meeting each other frequently or in Gu Wei's word 'unintentionally'. There was no way in the world the two would meet everyday at the silliest places one could think of. It didn't take much of a time for the surgeon to conclude the situation. Gu Wei has been approaching him. When Yang Zhen has confronted the other, the physiotherapist has shamelessly and bluntly asked him out.

Yang Zhen would never forget the embarrasment he felt when Gu Wei literally word out loud in a convenience store to court him. How shy yet elated he felt that day! It was like a female lead in a movie. Getting all flustered and embarrased by her suitor. Yang Zhen felt like one. He felt like he had been caught up in a real life romantic movie with Gu Wei courting him. Now it all feels really magical. He has fallen for the latter. Having love of his life by his side is enough. Having his brother back from the military to lead a normal life, a lovely sister-in-law, his love, Yang Zhen felt his family complete. No more fears. Now that he looks back to everything, he cannot help but feel happy. Like really really happy.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" The deep yet groggy voice snapped Yang Zhen out of the stupour as he smiled loving at the latter. The frizzy hair by the side as Gu Wei sat up straight and rubbed his eyes and wiped his drool, Yang Zhen continued looking at the man. These days, Gu Wei has started waiting for the surgeon after his surgeries. Yang Zhen doesn't know how Gu Wei manages to be there without being kicked out yet he cannot help but feel jittery.

"My god! its 3:37 am. Zhen-ah how long have you been here?"

"Few minutes."

"You must be tired. Lets go. You need sleep and so do I." Yang Zhen nodded as Gu Wei stood up giving him a sweet smile as he waited for him by forwarding his hand. There was another thing Yang Zhen admired. Gu Wei was never physical with him. He would always respect the distance between them. He isn't the one to hug him or kiss him without his consent. Yang Zhen live for these moments. For him, these are the little things that counts and now Yang Zhen is ready. Ready to take things forward.

Getting off the car, Gu Wei walked Yang Zhen to the door of his place. Seeing that Yang Zhen was opening the door, Gu Wei wished him and was all set to go when he was stopped by Yang Zhen.

"Stay." Yang Zhen exclaimed with a soft smile as he held onto Gu Wei's hand while the latter looked at him in total surprise. Yang Zhen guessed what it would be and he smiled widely at Gu Wei. It was the first time he initiated intimacy so it might have caught the other in surprise.

Gu Wei very hesitantly nodded and both entered the apartment. Yang Zhen made himself comfortable on his bed and shifted to the left to make space for Gu Wei who seemed quite perplexed.

"Won't you hold me to sleep?" The question asked was innocent yet Yang Zhen's heart throbbed. He looked expectantly at Gu Wei who was quite perplexed with the situation. Suddenly Gu Wei smiled as he sat on the bed and held Yang Zhen's hand.

"I will. Once you are ready, I will hold you and cuddle you to sleep. Right now you are tired. You need perfect rest. I cannot trouble the best trauma surgeon who needs peaceful and nice rest. I will be at couch."

"But I will be comfor-"

"Yang Zhen. Do it for me. It would be difficult for me to... You know. Please." Yang Zhen smiled at that. He nodded as he closed his eyes as Gu Wei left for the living room to rest. Zhen had smile on his face all the while. If this feeling is not bliss then he doesn't know what is.

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