Walking down the lonely trees never fails to make me nervous. There could be a possibility that I could get killed or kidnapped. My ears sense Nick's yelling as I follow the sound. I backed myself away behind a tree to listen to the conversation. I was dumbfounded by the way he was talking to her. That nasty tone of his makes me physically sick to my stomach. I had to intervene in some way. I walks towards them, exclaiming, "Hey! Is everything okay over here? I heard some screaming with a nasty attitude."

"Aaliyah, go away! This is a private conversation that doesn't involve you. You have to stop thinking you're the center of attention. Not everyone wants to look at you," Nick spat.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?! You have no right to speak to me that way, Nick. I have a right to check on the two of you whenever I want. Besides, I am not the one who takes anger out on someone who had to sacrifice everything just to get you here. If it wasn't for Sabrina, you'd still be with the Dark Lord suffering like an abused child. So maybe you should watch your mouth the way you talk to me," I snapped back.

"Oh my Darklord, Aaliyah, you always have something to say, don't you?" Nick steps closer to me. I wasn't afraid to look at him in the eyes. He was standing 5"8, towering over me to make it frightening. It didn't bother me how much taller he was than me or how angry he looks. He knew I wasn't afraid of him which scares Sabrina sometimes. 

"Nick, we both know you don't scare me. So whatever you're trying to do make me feel submissive is not working. I know why you act up the way you do but that doesn't give you the right to treat Sabrina like dirt. You think you're all in a bag of chips, but let me tell you something Nicky, you volunteered to take the Dark Lord inside you. She didn't want you to, but you did. You knew what you signed up for when that happened because you wanted to protect her, ain't that right? I know Hell is a trauma town that will scar you for life but that doesn't mean you get to blame the poor girl."

The presence felt silent. I could feel Nick's rage pouring through his body after my comment. He knows it's true. He can't lie about that. He wanted to protect Sabrina because he loved her not he was forced to. I crossed my arms, not letting go of his gaze. I stared blankly at him without a fear in the world. I knew how difficult it was to respond to that so he could make some excuse to put me down. I won't let that happen. Those days people walking all over me and taking advantage of me are over. I demand respect. I won't be silent anymore. I will defend myself to the day I die. 

"You have some fucking nerve to say that! How could you say that? You don't know what it's like to be in Hell. I was a punching bag for Lucifer and a play thing for Lilith. I had sleepless nights because of all the torcher and pain I've suffered that felt like an endless loop. It's something you will never understand."

"Nick, please. She's trying to understand you. You need help. You're not well," Sabrina tried to calm him down.

"Help? What help do I need from her? I have my reasons why I don't want her help."

"Then, spit it out!"

"You see? You've been the golden child ever since you were little. Always got everything you wanted. You worked hard which makes it easier for you to be ahead of your Alpha. You never had to worry about anything because Cordelia will have you wrapped in her arms so easily. To make matters worse, you hate your job. You hate being the Supreme! You never wanted this. And still, you are here. YOU ARE STILL THE SUPREME! WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAVE, AALIYAH? Time wouldn't be wasted if we have someone in your family that wanted it."

"You really think any girl would want it? Would you think they'll care like I do? I MAKE A DIFFERENCE! YES, GRANTED, I HATE BEING THE SUPREME; HOWEVER, I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE. NONE OF US DID. WE ALL HAD TO PARTICIPATE, NICK! I was 8 years-old, what do you expect me to do? I had to do it."


Hours have passed by and nothing. I helped Aunt Zelda put everything away from the event. I didn't say much after Nick and I went at it in front of Sabrina. Speaking of the Devil, Sabrina was helping us too. I didn't know what to say to her. 

"Aaliyah, after this, I want to talk to you," she said.

I sighed, "Okay."

After everything, I got into my pajamas and went to 'Brina's room. I sat on her bed and she closes the door. I hope she doesn't start with me. I am not in the mood for it.

"I'm so upset with you. No, I am angry at you. How could you say that to Nick? He's been through enough trauma and you make him feel more guilty than it is! You are insensitive with his trauma."

"Are we still going on about this? Nick and I are done arguing so stop opening your mouth on the situation. I swear the coven here doesn't have someone to tape their mouth whenever they make a comment that shouldn't be needed. Their opinions are irrelevant and unnecessary. Like what you're doing right now."

Sabrina couldn't believe what I told her. She got more pissed at me. The moment I said my final sentence to her is the same time anger flow through her body.

"You are a terrible person! Every time you have something to say, it's like you make everyone feel guilty about themselves. You are never careful with you words either! It's all you do, Aaliyah. You expect people to get used to your criticism because 'that's how life is supposed to be' or 'tough shit. get used to it' attitude. Just because you're the Supreme, that doesn't mean you get to take charge of everything. Nick has been through a lot. I thought you'd be more considerate; but I was wrong. You're not."

"Whatever, I'm not going to argue with you. I am tired of explaining this to you. If you want Nick to keep treating you as if you were nothing, you can save yourself. I'm done fighting for you," I simply reply as I got up.

I stepped out of her room the moment I said those final words. I didn't look at her to see what her reaction was to that. I don't care. Just because someone has been through trauma, doesn't make it okay for them to lash out. It's not goals or being misunderstood. It's vile behavior. People need to have common sense. I open up my electronic journal to let out one last thought before bed:

i am pissed off right now. sabrina and i were fighting because i told nick off. i told him to lay off of sabrina and how some respect. you wanna know what she did? instead of her saying thank you for defending her, she gave me a bs lecture. yes! a lecture. a lecture on how i am a terrible person for not being considerate with other people's feelings. WHAT?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! who said i was being inconsiderate? all i said was that nick shouldn't treat you like 💩 just bc he's been through hell. also, last time i checked, didn't he offered to take the dark lord inside him to protect sabrina?! so part of it is his fault too! i mean, what kind of person takes a sacrifice in order to protect someone then BLAMES THEM?! Nick Scratch, ladies and gentlemen. He blamed Sabrina for that. How could you say something like that? That is a low person, i tell you. then sabrina wanna yell at me like i'm one of her witch friends or the weird sisters. she must be talking to the wrong person because i am not the one, babe. you will not talk to me in that tone before i pop your jaw off. you're lucky i didn't do that or if i had no sense i would've put her in a headlock already. but that's it. i am so mad at this girl. i've just about had it with the coven and sabrina. that's that, i'm done. 


Hello people! I hope everyone is staying safe and cozy with the winter.


How is everyone lately? Hang in there, we got this!


Can't believe we're close to February. January is going by so quick. It's scaring me. 


I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. It's been in my drafts for quite sometime. Please be sure to vote, comment, and add it to your library. It does help! Also, stay tuned for more chapters coming soon.


Is there anything else you want me to write about? Be sure to comment below ideas, if you have any. 


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