Chapter 3

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She walked around me ignoring what just happened "what does that make anyway?" Jinx asked. I was still stuck in a daze "Y/n?" I was pulled out from my daze "uh, oh it's uh nitroglycerin, I've looked into it a bit it's supposed to be really explosive" I rambled on following behind jinx "I was going to se if I could use a tiny bit of shimmer and mix it with the nitroglycerin and then inject it into a certain nerve in both my palms and make them sweat the nitroglycerin so I could produce explosions from my palms" I said getting really excited.

You got the shimmer

Jinx was behind making sure that I don't mess up my nervous system. I took the syringe of shimmer and mixed it in with the nitroglycerin, I put a cork the top of the vial and shook it holding away from me the cork shot off and the substance turned orange

Bunch of stuff, figuring it out BOOM

Jinx came back looking pissed "Jinx, are you alright?" I asked worried she quickly looked at me and started coming towards me. He gripped on to my shoulders "you wouldn't lie to me right y/n?" She asked "No! I would never" I yelled looking into her eyes. "Good let's go" she rushed out the door. I grabbed my board and followed after her, we arrived at a ledge and jinx held up the flare that Vi gave her before they left to get Vander, she set off the flare and blue smoke started coming out, the smoke stopped and jinx through the flare with a frustrated grunt. As soon as I heard foot steps I put my board in its harness "Ji-" I was cut off "Powder!" Someone yelled, we both turned around Shit Vi! Vi ran over to jinx and hugged her, but I heard another pair of foot steps? I backed up to them "Jinx get away from her" I pulled her away and got in front of her "what why?" Jinx looked at me confused "there's someone with her"

Please someone give me ideas I'm running out

Jinx x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now