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minho knocked on the younger's door, standing awkwardly with a teddy in his hand and his phone in the other hand. after a few seconds of standing in the dark, the door opened, the first thing minho saw was a tall boy with long black hair and sweats on. hyunjin.

"took your time" hyunjin groaned and he moved out of the way to let minho in.

"yeah yeah" the older mumbled, not wanting to make a conversation. he just wanted to see jisung and get out of there. he walked upstairs to hyunjins room to be met with jisungs sleeping body. he looked so uncomfortable. he had his thumb in his mouth which was a habit he developed whenever he didnt have his teddy. minho's heart dropped and he quietly walked towards jisung and planted the quokka bear in jisungs arms, watching jisung take his thumb out of his mouth and wrap his arms around the squirrel. 

the older sighed and turned around, only to be met with hyunjin leaning against the door frame with a small smile.

"he likes you a lot yknow hyung." hyunjin whispered. minho's mouth went dry remembering jisungs confession over text earlier. he didnt want to speak to hyunjin so he just hummed and walked downstairs before leaving the house and getting back into his car, driving home.

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