28. Engagement gift

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Only she could casually offer lunch after a secret fighting lesson in the woods.

~(Three days later)~

"So what are we going over today?" I asked walking into the little training area.

Rora seemed to be doing a handstand against one of the trees. This had become our little routine I would arrive and Rora would pause whatever insane training thing she was doing and explain what we were going to do that day then after that actual training part was over we got food.

"Today is a half day. All you have to do is finish moving the rocks from yesterday" She explained still upside done.

Sometime before I had gotten here yesterday Rora had gathered all these different-sized rocks and had told me to make a small border around the area. It wasn't too hard but it still wasn't easy and she told me to do it at the end yesterday so I didn't finish.

I dropped the last big rock and sat down on it.

"Finished?" Rora asked, she had moved on from the handstand and was doing stretches against a tree.

"Yep," I said taking a sip of water. After the first day, I learned to be prepared.

"Yay! Now you can see the surprise." She made a gesture for me to follow her and started walking away.

We didn't walk for long before she whistled and stepped into a much larger clearing than where we had been before.

At first, nothing happened then a whole herd of horses with massive wings flew down.

"They usually don't land here because of the pack but I told them it was safe"  Rora looked over at me to see my reaction.

"Can I touch them?" I ask the amazement clear in my voice.

"Yeah just be respectful" She walked over to a brown one with white markings. "This is Pran. She is the leader of this herd"

"How do you know her name?" I gently stroked her manes and only touched her wing after Rora did.

"She told me. Me and Percy can talk to them because our father made horses.  It comes in handy especially when giant herds of pegasus are flying over your house." She was also petting the horse but seemed a lot more sure of her movements than me.

~(Two days later)~

"Ok, you've done well so far let's see how you do. Ready?" Rora had said that this was the last day of training so we were gonna spar a little and my goal was to get her on the ground. She was going to go slow for me but I had to get her down before she got five taps in.

"Ready" I called.

We started circling each other slowly and I held my arms like she taught me to protect myself. She made the first move going in low trying to hit my leg but missed when I jumped back.

"Good" she complimented

Now it was my turn so I tried getting in close to sweep her legs but she was able to tap my shoulder before I could get here. She came in again and got a tap on my right side when she feigned left and another on my left when I moved to the right.

"Watch the feet to see where I'll go" she reminded. We had gone over this just yesterday but it felt better to watch her hands because that's what she keeps hitting me with.

I went again trying to get her to move her arms so I had a clear shot but I misjudged the distance and she got her fourth tap on my shoudler.

"One more and I win" she was being very cocky for a teacher.

I couldn't let her win and have to listen to her brag so I did the only reasonable thing. I charged at her and tackled her to the ground.

"I win," I said happily from on top of her.

"I guess" she sighed but I could tell she was trying to fight back a smile.

"Good I need everyone to know I beat the big, bad Rora in fight" I rolled off her and stood up offering a hand down.

"You don't even know the best part yet" she took it and pulled herself up " your reward for being the first graduate of the Aurora Forest Training for The Accident Prone is a chance to go cliff diving with yours truly"

" You just put the words 'accident prone' and 'cliff diving' in the same sentence together but if your sure it's safe then I'm in" I mean what could go wrong Rora can literally control the ocean there's no one better to do it with.

"Yay!" Rora celebrated

The sun rose while I was finishing this. Please comment. (1392 words)

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