Chapter 10

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The team were all in Black Betty with Luca driving and they were heading towards the location that Street was at, which looked to be a warehouse.

Hondo was talking everyone through the plan, as to who was taking which entrances. He was also trying to convince the team that they would get Street back no matter what, when Hicks radioed Hondo.

" Hondo, you guys need to get there quicker. I've already spoken to numerous people and I've had the roads that you need to take cleared, so you have a straight path."

Hondo looked towards Luca, who was already nodding his head and driving Black Betty faster. "We're driving there quicker now. What happened on the video?" questioned Hondo.

" They continued to beat him a bit more before moving onto a set of boxes and..... Look Hondo, they showed a message saying that if we don't get there in time we'll lose Street. They've got him in a position to hang if he loses his balance. You need to get there ASAP" came back the reply from a worried Hicks.

"We'll make sure we get to him in time, Commander" Hondo said before they stopped radioing.

Hondo took a moment to look at each of the team's faces. Everyone looked really worried.

"Alright, listen up. We will get to Street in time but first we have to do our jobs and catch any of the bastards that might still be there. Me, Chris and Tan, will make sure that when we find Street that no one can get the drop on us, while Deacon and Luca will make sure Street is safe until we can get the EMT's in to him" Hondo spoke, watching everyone's face turn from being worried to set with determination.

They arrived only moments later. Everyone getting out of Black Betty, arranging themselves quickly around the exits.

Not wanting to wait a minute longer, the team broke the doors down quickly and filed inside. There weren't many rooms or doors to check from both entrances before they got to the main room.

Going through the doors, the team saw each other enter on either side of the mainly empty room. The main thing that caught their immediate attention was Street in the middle of the room hung by rope and balanced on a small box.

They took another brief look around the room as they slowly moved towards Street in case there was anyone else there. The only problem was there was still quite a distance in the room to cover before they got to Street... and Street had just lost the only balance that he had.

Everyone rushed forward as quickly as they could to get to Street, meeting in the middle quickly where Luca and Deacon took control of grabbing hold of Street to reduce the pressure on his neck. They were talking to him to calm him down but Street didn't seem to be able to hear them. While Tan went to cut the end of the rope from where it was tied.

Hondo and Chris finished checking the room to ensure that it was just them there before radioing Hicks to say it was clear and to send the EMT's to them quickly. Hicks informed them that they were only ten minutes away.

Luca and Deacon had grabbed hold of Street's legs, slowly lowering him down to the ground after the rope had been cut so he was sat down so they could remove the rope from around his neck and the zip ties from around his wrists before laying him down. They also removed the rope from around his ankles.

Street tried to curl up on himself as soon as his wrists were released but Luca stopped him and moved Street so he was leaning up against his chest. Deacon as gently as he could removed the duct tape and cloth from Street's mouth to make it easier to breathe.

With being that close up to Street, Deacon and Luca could see that Street had ear plugs in and that was why he couldn't hear them. They were the next thing to be removed and thankful the noise level was very quiet currently but they knew no matter how long Street had had the ear plugs in for everything was going to seem really loud.

Deacon spoke quietly to Street, "Street, it's us, you're safe now. Look, I know everything is going to seem really loud at the moment but I need you to concentrate, alright?"

Street seemed to calm down a bit having recognised Deacon's voice and adjusting to the noise level now that he could hear again, he nodded in answer to Deacon's question.

"Alright. Now I'm going to take the blindfold off, so just keep your eyes closed for now" Deacon said, moving his hands towards the back of Street's head to undo the knot as it wasn't going to just slip over the top of Street's head.

After having had the blindfold taken off Street gave it a few moments before he started to open his eyes to adjust to the light, which thankfully was fairly dim in the room. Once he adjusted he took a look around the room and the team before he looked back towards Deacon as he was the closest apart from Luca, when the EMT's were coming through the door.

"Ok, right. Street the EMT's are here to take you to the hospital one of us is going to be there the whole time. You won't be left by yourself" Deacon explained, slowly as Street was taking everything in.

The EMT's brought a stretcher in with them and brought it over to the middle of the room next to Street. The EMT's did a quick assessment of Street's injuries before moving Street onto the stretcher with Luca and Deacon's help.

"Deacon, you stay with Street. We'll meet you at the hospital as soon as we've finished filing Hicks in" Hondo said, as everyone was following Street and the paramedics out of the building.

Deacon handed over his tactical gear to Chris and Tan, before going and joining Street in the back of the ambulance.

Hondo and the rest of the team waited until the ambulance started to pull away before climbing into Black Betty and heading to headquarters. Once there they put all the equipment away and filled in reports and handed them to Hicks, they then all made their way to the hospital.

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