Chapter 4

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Before Hondo made the call to the bank, he waited until the rest of his team were in position to potentially provide information on what was happening inside.

He heard from Deacon and Tan first. "Hondo, we are at the side of the building. We can't get a hole drilled into the wall for a camera. So we're trying to use the thermo-reader" Deacon explained.

"We can't get a decent reading using the thermo-reader either. At best we can tell there might be about fifteen to twenty people in there, maybe more, but the number is hard to tell. There's no way to tell how many suspects there are either. They must be sticking close to the hostages" Tan said while looking at the screen of the thermo-reader device.

"Well, that's the number we are just going to have to work with then. Chris, can you see what is going on in there?" Hondo asked.

"Negative Hondo. They have got all the blinds closed and secured in place, there isn't even a slight gap between any of them" Chris replied. "Can't get a view in through the doors either."

"Alright. I'll make the call to start negotiating, you guys need to stay where you are and keep observing to see if anything happens" Hondo ordered, receiving acknowledgments that they heard.

Hondo and Luca walked into the S.W.A.T. unit to reduce the amount of background noise that they could hear while making the call. Hondo dialled the number, placing the phone on speaker so it could be heard by himself, Luca and Hicks. They waited listening to the dial tone until someone inside picked up.

Someone on the other end of the line picked up. "What do you want?"

"My name is Sergeant Daniel Harrison. Who am I talking to?"

"You'll get no names from here."

"Well how am I supposed to talk to you without a name to go with the voice?"

"You won't. Don't call back until you're ready to listen and give in to the demands." The line hung up as the call was disconnected.

Hondo, Luca and Hicks all exchanged looks. Hicks nodded at Hondo, indicating that he should make the call. So that's what Hondo did, dialling the number again. The phone was ringing and they had to wait to the point where the call nearly cut off before someone picked up again.

"I'm ready to listen to your demands. I can't guarantee that they can be completed quickly depending on what you're after."

"For starters, there needs to be a helicopter on the roof of this building in half an hour. All of the hostages will stay here until the demand is met. If it isn't then people will get hurt."

"I'll see what can be done. It might take longer than half an hour if you want the tank filled to the top."

"You have 30 minutes to get it there with a full tank. Don't make contact again until it is there and ready to go." Again the call was disconnected.

"This guy doesn't seem to be messing around. That must have been some of the shortest conversations I have heard when dealing with criminals" Hicks commented.

"What are we to do? We can't give them a helicopter to get away, but we don't have enough information to make a breach" Luca questioned, crossing his arms over his chest, looking between Hicks and Hondo.

"If we could get in touch with Street somehow then we would be able to get more information" Hondo said, thinking out loud. "The only thing would be how do we communicate with him, without giving away that he's a S.W.A.T. officer. If they found that out then things could go from bad to worse if they haven't already. Just because he would have had the alert sound go off on his phone, when the rest of us did."

"For now, we can give them the appearance that we are complying with that demand. Until we know anything about them, we need to be cautious. When it comes to getting in touch with's a case of it could take longer to deal with the situation if we don't contact him, but if we do then we could get information quicker. However, it does then potentially put him at more risk at being discovered, so we would have to wait for his reply. I'll leave the decision up to you Hondo as your team lead. I'll see what I can do about getting a helicopter fueled and on top of the roof" Hicks said, turning around to use his phone to get in touch with someone about a helicopter.

"What are we going to do, Hondo?" Luca asked him.

"Well we're going to send a message to Street, see whether he can send us any information. If he doesn't reply, then we will assume it isn't safe to even remotely give us any intel" Hondo said.

"I'll send him the message. I'll make it seem like I'm just asking how much longer it's going to take in the bank, just in case they find him on his phone" Luca spoke while pulling out his phone and typing the message to Street. "Right, that's sent. We'll just have to wait for a reply."

"For now, let's get an update from the rest of the team. Chris, any change from your view?" Hondo asked.

"Negative Hondo, still no change from here" came back the reply.

"How about from where you are Deacon?" Luca asked

"Nothing. If anything it's harder to tell that there is anyone in there now. They must have turned the air-conditioning on all the way down low. From what we can tell though the hostages haven't really been moved, other than that we can't even take a rough estimate as to how many suspects there are" answered Deacon.

Hondo wasn't happy that the team wasn't able to get much about how things were going inside. Luca shook his head to show that there was no reply from Street yet. "I'm going to make another call to them, see if we can get them to maybe let go of a hostage or two, they then might be able to provide some details" Hondo spoke while dialling the number again.

"That must have been quick, but I don't hear any chopper blades. Told you not to contact unless the chopper was here."

"We've got a chopper on its way. As a sign of good faith, why don't you release some of the hostages?"

"No. They are all staying here until that chopper is on the roof." The line disconnected again.

Hicks had finished his phone call and had heard the brief conversation that Hondo had while trying to get a few of the civilians out.

"The chopper is on its way. Do we know anything about what's happening inside yet?" questioned Hicks.

"I haven't had a reply from Street yet" Luca answered.

"Chris, Tan and Deacon aren't able to give us anything other than there might be about fifteen to twenty people inside, or maybe more" Hondo added in.

Wrong Time, Wrong Placeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें