Chapter 9

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Street had felt the two guys next him start getting up after a very long while and jump out the van. As soon as he felt a hand touch him, he jumped as he hadn't been touched for however long it was since he had been put in the van. But that didn't stop both of them grabbing his ankles and pulling him out the van.

Once they could reach Street's arms they pulled Street up so he stood up before spinning him around quickly so he was facing the way they were going to drag him or that's at least what Street assumed.

They started walking and Street just let his feet drag as he couldn't walk anyway. From what Street could tell, they had gone inside a building as the ground texture was different to how it was when they got him out of the van.

They must have dragged Street to an open space in the room as when they let go of his arms, letting him fall to the floor he didn't hit an object. However, the way they dropped him he did end up landing on his right shoulder and his head bashed against the ground.

A few of the guys were moving stuff around from the van to the room that they wanted to set their stage for the cops that the kid worked with. They had chosen to bring the kid to a warehouse where there were plenty of beams going across the ceiling for what they wanted to do. While they dragged what they needed to the next room, two of the guys stayed to keep the kid company.

Street still couldn't hear or see anything and knew the guys weren't touching him. That was until he felt what must have been a foot, hit against his stomach several times. Whether it was the same foot or different ones Street couldn't tell, he could only tell that his front was getting painful quickly. So he tried to protect himself by folding himself over and bringing his knees up to his chest. Obviously they didn't like Street doing that so they sent a few kicks at his back as well, regardless if they hit his arms.

As soon as they received a signal from their leader they started to attack the kid as they wanted the kid to look bad to start with. They noticed the kid start to curl up, so they landed a few kicks on his back to show that they didn't want him to do that.

Street couldn't tell how long it went on for but knew it must have only been a few moments when they stopped kicking him. Street tried to level out his breathing as easily as he could through his nose.

They waited till the leader confirmed that the camera was up and ready to transmit the video, which had given the kid a moment to attempt to control his breathing, before grabbing him.

Once his breathing had levelled out, Street felt someone grab his arm, forcing him to sit up so another set of hands could grab his other arm. Between the two of them they lifted Street up off of the floor before dragging him again, with his feet dragging behind.

Taking the kid through the doors to the next room marked the start of the video that they were sending live to the cops. Dragging the kid far enough that he was in the room but off to the side so it was obvious to the cops what was going to happen next, they dropped the kid onto the floor.

As they pulled him along, Street couldn't help but wince and tense his body several times before forcing himself to relax. Street felt the hands let go again, letting him just land on the floor. It was only then the Street tried to curl up again and could tell that they had moved rooms.

Only a brief moment later, Street could feel them kicking him once again. When the kicks kept repeatedly hitting the bruises that had started to form from the last lot of kicks, Street couldn't help but whimper slightly which couldn't really be heard, or he at least hoped it wasn't.

Street couldn't tell how long this beating went on for, but it certainly felt like it lasted longer than the other one. It was easier to tell as they weren't just attacking his torso but they were also kicking his legs.

As quickly as the kicking started, it also stopped quickly. Street didn't know what was going on, he had been trying to shift either the ear plugs or blindfold to get an idea of what was happening but he couldn't tell.

The guy that had been setting up the boxes in the middle of the room, signalled to the other guys that he was ready. Another guy had been messing around with some rope that they had brought along.

The three that had been beating up Street, forced him to stand up on his feet from where he had been on the floor, moving him over to stand on top of the boxes. The guy with the rope came over and wrapped a section around Street's ankles, bringing it up along the back of Street's legs so they could wind it around his wrists tightly tying it off with very little slack in the rope.

Street felt himself being forced up and over to something. He couldn't tell what he was standing on but he knew it wasn't the actual ground. Street could feel every adjustment and movement that was made with the rope. Through the tension of the rope it made Street bow backwards slightly to take the added pressure of his shoulders, plus it felt like there had been added weight with that bit of rope. Street was hoping that the team were going to be able to find him in time before these guys did anything that he couldn't come back from.

The same guy had a separate section of rope that already had a loop tied to the one end. He went to the beam and threw it over, so the loop hung close by to the kid's head. The leader went over and placed the loop over the kid's head moving it down to his neck before tightening it so it wouldn't slip over his head.

Street felt a loop of rope go around his head and being tightened but didn't feel it being attached to him elsewhere. Street tried to stay as calm as he possibly could when he felt more tension being applied to the rope as it sat snuggly underneath his jaw.

The men got ready to change the boxes over quickly while the one that was holding the other end of the rope went to secure it in place around another beam further away from the middle of the room. Having made sure that the camera was still aimed at the kid, they switched the boxes around.

Street was grateful that he could still rest he's feet fully on whatever he stood on. That was until they took it away quickly, forcing him to hang on by the rope around his neck, until he felt a much smaller box being placed underneath that he could just about get his toes onto.

Street tried to regain control of his breathing to calm it down, to reduce the chance of him starting to panic. After that he noticed that he couldn't feel any of the men's hands on him anywhere, wondering how long he was going to have to just about balance like that for. He started to wonder what was going to happen next and whether the team had found out where he was.

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