But he soon let it go as they began to go outside and began patrolling the busy streets. This almost causes Saitama and Aki to split up before Saitama jumps on a building and begins walking up there.

"Saitama… why did you join the devil hunters? Said Aki as he questioned why Saitama joined the devil hunter. But he didn't get a response.

" oi. Didn't you hear what I said?" Said Aki as he turns his head around and sees he was not there. He looked around and found him standing on top of a building. He orders him to come down.

Saitama sees this then he runs at a speed that everyone didn't even realize he was in front of them. But did create a wind that caused everyone to shock as the sudden strong wind appeared out of nowhere.

"What the hell did you do?" Said Aki as veins began appearing on his face as he was angered by the fact Saitama showed his power to a busy street.

"What did I do?" Said Saitama as he was confused as to what he did.

Aki's anger rose but he didn't want to do it in a public place. So he orders Saitama to follow him and leads him to a dark alleyway.

When they arrived at a nearby alleyway he punched Saitama at the back of his head but Saitama didn't budge as he felt his hand in pain.

"The hell was that for?" Said Saitama as he was very angered and annoyed as to why these weirdos just took him to his house.

Pochita then began to bark at Aki as he was trying to punch his owner. Ali gets up and tries to punch Saitama in the face only to get another pain in his other hand. Saitama then knocks him out because he's annoying him and doesn't want to cause him more pain.

As Aki falls to the ground Saitama picks him up and carries him back to where the devil hunter headquarters is.


"Can you tell me where my home is?" Said Saitama as he was tired of this and wanted to get over it. So he went to Makima's office for some words.

"Saitama… I'm sorry but… your home doesn't exist…" Said Makima as she explains the reason why he can't go home. He hasn't had a home.

Saitama looks at her with a surprised expression but returns to his blank face. "What do you mean?" Ask Saitama.

"What I mean is you do not exist in this world. Every field record I searched for of you doesn't exist. Even Z-City." Explain Makima.

Saitama was in shock. Was he teleported to another world? Maybe that's why Genos doesn't come to find him… "I hope he's doing okay." Said Saitama out loud as he stares blankly.

"Hmm? Who do you mean he's okay?" Said Makima but she didn't get an answer as Saitama just stares into the space.

She looks at Pochita and sees that he's sleeping on the ground beside Saitama. He looks happy.

… a happy family… a dream she always wanted.

"Say Saitama do you have any money on you?" Ask Makima.

She looks at him as he finally stops staring blankly into space and goes for his pocket to see how much money he has left. 

There's nothing there. He checks his other pocket only to find it empty. Did he drop it? But where?

"Something the matter?" Ask Makima as she sees him sweating like a bullet and searches for his wallet only to find it's not with him.

"... I lost my wallet…" Said Saitama in a low voice but she could hear what he said.

"Hmm… well why not you spend the night at my apartment and tomorrow we will find your wallet or replaced it." Said Makima as she looks at Saitama and waited for his response.

Saitama thinks about it. "Yeah sure, why not." Said Saitama as he has no other choice but to live with her.

"Great! Now see you after work." Said Makima as she continues with her work. Saitama gently grabs Pochita from the ground and holds him in his arm and leaves the office.


Saitama was relaxing in front of the devil hunter's headquarters. He found a bench and decided to rest there.

"(Sigh) This day just keeps getting worse…" Said Saitama to himself as he stares at the blue sky.

"Mind if I sit here?" Said a tall man with a coat covering his entire body. His face has a scar from his mouth but his expression has no emotion.

Saitama looks at him and nodded. The man sits beside him and drinks something from his canteen.



"Answer my question." Said the man so suddenly. Saitama tries to speak but the man beat him to it.

"Would you consider yourself a hero if protect a devil from harm?" Ask the man.

"Isn't that what being a hero means? Even if you save other than a human?" Answer Saitama.

"Would you cry if your friends died in front of you?" 

"... Nah not really."

"Would you take revenge on that person for killing your friend?" 

"I see revenge as nothing really important. But if it means stopping him from killing more people then sure." Said Saitama as he looks at the man and he turns at Saitama.

"100 points. Perfect score." Said the man. Saitama doesn't know what he meant by that. "Wonderful. There aren't many people like it. I love it." Said the man.

Saitama looks at him. He isn't smiling. Must be something traumatic that happens to him. He then gets behind Saitama and puts his arm around him. Before he crushes it but nothing happens to Saitama.

He lets go and gets in front of him and looks at him. "I'm a devil hunter with the 1st division. I love women and booze and killing devils." Said the man.

"That was a test. Your durability is amazing but I need you to fight me to prove you're not a hoax." Said the man as he takes a stance. He sees that Saitama gets up and goes in front of him.

In a blur, Saitama punches him but he managed to block it and been sent a few feet back.

"That was nice." Said the man as he walked toward Saitama's direction.

Saitama then appears in front of him. The man quickly tries to attack him but Saitama just goes behind and tries to knock him out before he went to the side and dodges Saitama's attack.

"Stop. The test is already over. You've proven yourself to be powerful enough to take care of yourself." Said the man as he drinks his canteen. "My name is Kishibe, yours?"

"Saitama. I'm a hero for fun." Said Saitama as he introduced himself to Kishibe.

"That explains a lot why you didn't take tests very seriously." Said the man as he finished drinking his canteen.  "Well, Saitama see you soon." Said Kishibe as he began walking somewhere.

Saitama stares at him before he disappeared. Saitama then looks at Pochita and sees that he is still sleeping.

He goes sits beside him and continues to stare at the now orange sky.

"How did it go?" Said Makima as she was sitting beside him and was waiting for his response.

"... Good I guess." Said Saitama as he still looking at the orange sky.

"Well, ready to go to my home?" Said Makima as she looks at Saitama. He turns and looks at her before nodding.

"Good! Let's go. My house is near here." Said Makima as she stands up and wears her coat and began walking toward her apartment.

Saitama gently grabs Pochita and holds him in his arms before following Makima to her apartment.

To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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