Chapter 7

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Time skip~

Akaza's Pov.

The weekend sure feels like it was never going to end. I couldn't stop thinking about Karma, and what they're possibly doing to him while being under their supervision. A part of me wants to stay put and wait until he comes back. The other part of me want to fucking hunt down those bastards and kill them in the slowest and painful way.

"Urggg....I can't believe that Rampage Killer is still in this college," one of the female students catches my attention.

I glance over to her and narrow my eyes at her. It's one of those popular girls that thinks they can do whatever they want and gets away with it. Her name Sonia, and she has blond, wavy hair and light brown eyes. She's wearing one of those pink, revealing dress with black ankle high heels. She also has a lot of make up on her face.

"Yeah, no kidding...." the second popular girl grunts.

Her name is Britney, and she has light brown, wavy hair and blue eyes. She's wearing a blue revealing dress like her older twin sister with black ankle high heels. She's wearing the same amount of make up as her sibling. She's the same height and weight as her older twin sister. Both of them are skinny as bones.

"He would be better off death than alive," the third popular girl huffs.

Her name is Deedee, and she has very bright red, curly hair and dark green eyes. She's wearing a red tank top, dark blue jeans skirt that is just bit above her kneecaps, and black high heels. She also has a ton of make up on her face that looks completely fake and disgusted. I don't know how the male students likes her and her friend's appearance.

"Nobody wants him here in this college, not even the teachers. They're being stricter on him than they are on us," the fourth popular girl giggles at the end of her second statement.

Her name is Jackie, and she has dark purple, curly hair and light purple eyes. She's wearing a dark purple tank top, a dark blue jeans skirt that is just below the kneecaps, and black high heels. She wears dark make up that makes me think she hasn't slept in weeks, and that she's into goth things.

"Tell me about it," the fifth popular girl snickers. "......the teacher gives him more work than us, which is what makes me like them. We would only have to do 2 chapters while he would have to do 5 to 10 chapters. They even make him stay after school and do them, making sure that no one can help him fill up the answers."

Her name is Celia, and she has dark green, straight hair and dark blue eyes. She's wearing a dark green t-shirt that just over her waist with elbow sleeves, black legging, and black high heels that reaches her kneecaps. She also wears dark make up like her friend Jackie. She looks like she also hasn't slept in decades.

"Those bastards! How dare they treat him so unfairly?! They shall die by my hands!!" I holler in my mind.

"It's ashamed that we can't give him regret accepting that deal and stay away," Sonia grumbles in annoyance.

"Yeah, no kidding," Britney agrees with her.

"That Rampage Killer has those poor, poor girls wrapped around his finger, making them believe that he's a good guy," Deedee pities me, Douma, Kokushibo, and the three student councils without realizing that I'm right fucking here, listening to their bullshit.

"If only I was strong enough, I would kick his sorry ass back to whatever the hell he belongs," Jackie grits her teeth in anger.

"Same here. That piece of shit doesn't deserve a second chance to come back to the society," Celia curses harshly.

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