To the past - Lizzy and Mike Afton (Final)

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Mike's POV
I stand next to Liz, both of us staring at the house we grew up in. All of the memories start coming back. "Mikey? You okay?" Liz asks me. I simply nod. I don't want her to know that I'm actually not okay. I don't really want to relive the past. Not again. "Come on, maybe Chris is inside!" She said, grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the house. I brace myself for whatever we'd find. She knocks on the door. A few minutes later, it opens to reveal our mom, only... younger. "Oh, can I help you dears?" She asks, kindly. Me and Liz look at each other then back at her. "We got separated from our family and we're lost. Do you mind if we stay here? Only for a little bit!" Liz tells past mom. "Oh, well let me ask my husband. But for the mean time, please come in!" She says, gesturing for us to come inside. We enter the house. "Have a seat, make yourselves comfortable. We walk over a take a seat on the couch.

"It feels so weird being back here." Liz says, scooting closer to me. "Yeah.. it does." Then past mom comes back, followed by past dad. 'Dad...' the memories start flooding back. I shake my head and look at them. "He said you could stay but only for a night. I'm sorry we can't offer more." Past mom said, sadly. "It's okay!" Liz tries to reassure her. She smiles. Then four kids come into the room. Past Liz, past me, past....Chris, and "Chris!" Liz cheered. His eyes widen when he sees us. "Guys? How-?" He looked confused. He made his way over to us. Liz jumped up and hugged him. "Chris? I thought you said your name was Zack." Past me says, sounding suspicious of us. "Uhh-" Chris looked nervous. "Wait, you didn't tell them?" Liz asks. He shakes his head. "Oh. Oops." I facepalm at their stupidity. "What's going on?!" Past dad demands. "Um... Liz can tell you!" Chris says, pushing Liz in front of him. "What?! No! Mikey can do it! He's the oldest." She says, grabbing me and pushing me in front. "Okay. Fine. I'll tell them. Now both of you stop." I say, giving them a look. I look back at out past selves. "Tell us what...?" Past mom asks. "I am Michael Afton. These are my annoying siblings Elizabeth and Christopher Afton. We're also from the future." I tell them. They looked shocked. "Hey! We're not annoying!" Liz frowns. "Debatable." Was all I said. "As if we'd believe that. Now who are you really?!" Past dad demands. "I can prove it." I tell him. He raises an eyebrow. "Okay. Prove it then." He studies me carefully. "Glitchtrap. Nightmares. Vincent. Do I need to continue?" I tilt me head slightly. "Tch, okay fine. I believe you." He muttered. "Wow! That's so cool!" Past Liz jumps up and down. "So, is Chris still a crybaby in the future?" I hear past me ask. Past Chris lowers his head. "Shut up. He's not a crybaby and he never was." I glare at my past self with hatred. This shocker everyone. "Mike?" Chris looked surprised. "It's the truth. If I'm being honest, the only crybaby was me. I just jealous." I admit. Liz and Chris both hug me. "You never deserved that. I'm so sorry!" Liz cries. "It's fine, Lizzy, really. It's okay." I reassure her. "Ahem, we're still here?" Past dad speaks up. "Right. We need to figure out how to get back to our time." I tell them, as my siblings pull away.

Suddenly, Dad and Glitchtrap appear. "Kids!" He says as soon as he sees us. "Dad!!" We all yell at the same time. He goes over and hugs us. "Come on. We're going home." He says. "What..?" Everyone looks so confused. Dad looks at Glitchtrap. "Can you erase their memories?" He asked. Glitchtrap nods and does as he was asked. Once that was done, he teleported us home.

Later that day, I was sitting in my room, talking with Noah (Ennard), when there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I call out. The door opens and Chris walks in. "Hey, Mike? Can I ask you something?" I nod and he walks over to me. "Um, while I was in the past, I saw you going into my room. Then you just kinda disappeared. What was that about?" He asked. 'Oh. That.' I look at him. "I'm not sure. I don't remember but if I do I'll let ya know. Okay?" I lied. I knew exactly what I was doing. But he didn't need to know.

Once Chris left, Noah frowned at me. "Are you ever gonna tell him?" He asked me. I look down. "Tell him that I died first, not him? Tell him that I'm Nm. Foxy? That I scared and tried to kill him every night? No. No I'm not gonna tell him." I told him. "Eggs.... That wasn't you. That was Nm. Foxy that did that." He was trying to reassure me. I sighed. "It's better if no one knows." I laid down, resting my head on his lap. "If you say so."

Sorry this took so long- and yes this is the final To the Past one. Sorry? 🤷‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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