To the past - Chris Afton (part 2)

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Chris was wondering where past Michael went, but nonetheless, he turned visible and went straight to past Chris.

Chris' POV
"Are you okay?" I ask my past self. He jumps, turns around, and shines the flashlight at me. I wince from the brightness. "Hey! Calm down, it's just me." I say. "O-oh!" He turns the light off. "S-sorry.." he mutters. I smile. "It's okay." "Wh-what are y-you doing h-here?" He asks. He was still crying. "Hey, stop crying. It's okay. And I'm here to help you with your nightmares." I reassure him. Suddenly, we heard heavy footsteps coming from the hallway. Past me yelps and jumps up, holding the flashlight. He was shaking. I stand up. "You shouldn't be here. You're gonna get hurt!" He tells me. He had stopped crying now. I look at the door on the left, where the footsteps were getting closer. I start to walk toward the door. "H-hey! What are you doing?!" Past me basically screams. I ignore him and open the door. Nm. Chica stood there. She does her jumpscare. I don't even flinch. "Wow. You're breath stinks." I say, looking up at the oversized chicken. She just stares at me. "W-wha...?" Past me sounded shocked. I heard snickering from the closet. 'Nm. Foxy..' I think. I slam the door in Nm. Chica's face and walk back to past me. "H-how..?!" He asks. I shrug and he just stares at me. I look at the time. '12am.. still 6 more hours to go (idk if I did that right and I'm too tired to check).' I let out a sigh and look over at my younger self. "Alright, why don't you get some sleep? I'll take care of the nightmares for you, okay?" He looks at me with wide eyes. "Wait.. r-really?!" I nod. "Okay!" He slowly lays at the foot of the bed, nervously glancing at the Fredbear plush that rests at the head of the bed. I walk over and move it to the dresser, walk back to younger me, and cover him up. "Sleep well." I tell him, going back to the center of the room.


Mike's POV

"DAD IS GONNA BE SO MAD!" I basically scream at Liz and the two fat bears. "I KNOW! WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO ABOUT IT??" She yells back. "Mike! Lizzie! Where's your brother?!" I hear mom call from downstairs. "Shoot." I mutter. "Uhh, he's not here!" Liz calls back. "Really? She's gonna question even more now!" I say, frustrated. She looked panicked. Soon enough, we hear footsteps making their way up here. "Crap crap crap- we're screwed!" I say, beginning to pace. "Just roll the dice yourselves and see what happens." Nightmare says. We all look at him. He shrugs. Me and Liz look at each other. "Should we?" She asks. "If it'll get us away from mom and dad, then sure." I tell her. We both look at the dice. "Ladies first." I say. She rolls her eyes but picks up the dice and rolls it. She then disappeared like how Chris did. I take a deep breath, exhale, and roll the dice. Next thing I knew.. I was standing next to Liz, but we were definitely not in the same room, if even the same world.

Don't hate me I didn't know how to end this 😭

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