Chapter 27

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After Jaycee finished changed, she returned to the park, where Landen, Sapphire and Braelyn were still waiting for her. She looked at the pavilion to find Landen and Sapphire standing in the garden that surrounded it, and Braelyn was sitting on the steps. Jaycee had spent the whole time she was getting dressed crying. She was barely able to pull herself together on the walk to the park. She wiped her tears away as she walked towards her friends and girlfriend.

"It's about time you got back," Landen told her.

"Have you been crying?" Sapphire squinted at Jaycee.

"Shut up, Sapphire," she said bitterly.

"Do you need to talk, babe?" Braelyn asked her.

"Can I talk to Landen alone for a minute or two?"

"Sure thing, little sister," they walked towards the playground. "So, what's up, Jayce?"

"Dylan stopped over while I was at home."

"What happened?"

"He kissed me then told me he's still in love with me," his jaw dropped.

            Jaycee's eyes started to water as she explained to Landen what happened between her and Dylan. She started sobbing at the memory of her and Cole. She started to cry harder at everything that was said between her and Dylan. Landen couldn't continue even believe that he would ask her how that night was a mistake and if she's really gay.

"He told me that he was gonna ask me to marry him the night he broke up with me and the night Braelyn and I got together."

"He was."

"He also told me to let him know when Braelyn and I break up."

"Are you?"

"I don't know yet," she wiped her eyes.

"Come on. We better go back over before they think something's up. We'll talk about this later."

"Okay," she agreed then they went back over to their girlfriends.

"You okay, babe?" Braelyn asked her girlfriend.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Can we just go to the pool now?"

"Yeah. Sure," she said and they went to the pool.

            On the walk to the pool, Landen, Sapphire and Braelyn all associated with each other while Jaycee was lost in her own thoughts. Everybody tried to include her in their conversations, but, mentally, she was on another planet. All she could think about was the kiss that her and Dylan had shared earlier that afternoon, and everything that was said between the two afterwards. She was using Braelyn as a rebound from Dylan. That was it. She didn't like her as anything more than a friend, maybe even a small fling. That's all she was to Jaycee.

"Jayce? You okay?" Braelyn asked her for the fifth time since she got back to the park from her house.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"You've been in La La Land since we left the park."

"I just have some stuff on my mind. I don't really wanna talk about it. I'd rather just spend some time with my girlfriend," Braelyn smiled.

            The four of them walked through the gates at the pool. It wasn't very crowded at the pool. They dropped their stuff on the chairs, and Landen ran to the apartment real quick to change into his board shorts because he didn't think about it after lunch when Jaycee went home to change. Sapphire stripped her jeans, tank top and jacket to reveal a neon green bikini with hot pink polka dots. Braelyn unbuttoned her shirt, exposing a dark blue and purple bathing suit, and replaced her dickies with black striped shorts that were covered in red and white skulls. Jaycee peeled off her hoodie and jeans showing off her flat stomach and her pink skull covered black bikini that she wore to the beach on her one-year anniversary with Dylan.

"You look pretty damn good in that bikini, Jay," Braelyn told her.

"Thanks, babe. You look very boyish, just the way I like you," she kissed her girlfriend. "You look good too, Sapphire. Very bright and cute, like you and your sister here."

"Thanks, Jaycee. Your bikini looks totally cute."


"Come on, Jay. I wanna go swimming," Braelyn pulled her girlfriend into the pool and jumped in after her.

"Hey! You couldn't wait 'til I got back!" Landen exclaimed just as Sapphire was about to jump into the pool.

"Sorry! We didn't know how much longer you were gonna be gone, and we wanted to swim!" Sapphire yelled back at him.

"Jeez, that is so mean!" he yelled as he jumped in the pool.

            The four of them splashed around and swam around, enjoying the middle of their summed. Jaycee was spending some time with her girlfriend made her forget everything that was said between her and Dylan earlier that day. She found the time she spent with Braelyn made him shuffle to the back of her mind, making her feel at peace with the break up.

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