Chapter 15 - A Demon's (Reading) Lair

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Adam's POV:

I heard Océane's sharp intake of breath from behind me as she saw Jade's teeth and forked tongue.

"You know Heath," Océane stated.

"Yes," Jade answered with a knowing smirk, "And of Acacia."

"How?" she inquired in an accusing tone.

"That's a story for another time," she smirked, "The most important issue at hand is the fact that you're here and not in school," she clicked her tongue and shook her head in mock disappointment.

"Yeah, Heath sent us here," I said. It seemed like Océane and Jade were having some sort of passive aggressive fight wth their eyes.

"The murderer at the school after you guys now," she asked with a smirk and taunting tone.

Océane took a step forward and was about to say something, probably something rude or very passive aggressive, but I stopped her. We were both on edge and tired. We were here to get help, not fight.

"Yes, he is," I answered.

"I'll help you on one condition," she paused for dramatic effect, "One question, with one truthful answer," Jade smirked.

I considered it for a minute, "Okay."

"What?" Océane almost screeched, "Why would you make a deal with a devil?" she spat.

"Océane, this is where Heath told us we would be safe. He trusts her enough to send us here for safety," I turned back to Jade, waiting for the question.

"Who's the killer?" she smiled mischievously, her teeth clicking and forked tongue shooting out.

I hesitated, I wasn't sure if I should tell her that. The killer was just like her, part demon.

"We don't know," I answered after a moment hesitation.

"Then I can't help you," she said sarcastically clicking her teeth in disappointment.

"What?! Why not?" I asked. I was way too tired to fight with this part demon.

"You know the answer. I know you know. We agreed that I would help you if you answered my question," she smirked her tongue darting out.

I sighed and finally decided to give her the answer to her question, "The Headmaster."

Jade laughed, her teeth clicking, "What has my little nephew done this time?"

"Your nephew?" I asked incredulously. Had Heath lied about safety? Had he sent us to die? Sent us to the killer's aunt to wait for our deaths? And while we were asking questions, how was it that the Headmaster looked like he could be Jade's father, but was her nephew?

Océane and I took a step back.

"Oh, don't worry!" Jade laughed, "I couldn't care less about the son my brother had with some rich lady," she said, "Come on in," she opened the door all the way and invited us in.

Océane and I locked eyes. Debating on whether or not we should actually enter. We had few other choices. So we went inside.

"First explain your connection with the killer in our school," I ordered.

"My big brother and I were a true rarity," she began with a smirk, "Only once before had there been two demon children of the same mother and father more than three years apart. Our mother died when I was only ten, my brother was seventeen. My father was never around, so my brother was the one who took care of me. My brother liked to get around a lot. One day a girl showed up on our step saying she was pregnant and it was his child. He laughed her off. Six months later a baby boy was on the step instead. My brother took him in, I couldn't care less of the small creature, I was eleven at the time. The child had very little signs he was my brother's son. By the time he was six we thought there was nothing special about him, but one day we came home and he could change his appearance. Only small things at first, like his eye color or hair color, but over time he could do more. I left home when he was eight. A year later he showed up on my doorstep this time. My brother had sent him and told me to look after him, apparently, my brother didn't want to deal with him anymore. I sent him to Acacia, he could hide his demon heritage quite easily now, and even change what age he looked. He became a teacher at some point, I never questioned it - still didn't care about him. And before long the Headmaster. How? I have no idea. I don't care either. One day I woke up and the little bastard was trying to kill me," she spat, pissed off, "I sent him off, told him never to contact me or come near me again and he left," she explained.

"That easily. He just left you alone after he tried to kill you?" I asked incredulously. After a pause, "How do you kill a part demon?"

"Half demon," she corrected, "And you kill them by setting them on fire," she explained with a gesture to the left half of her face, the burnt side - in fact, it seemed as if she never even got any medical help for it, "And I got him to leave me alone with a bit of... convincing," she said with laugh and clicking teeth.

"How do we know we can trust you?" I asked. I still wasn't sure if we could trust this half demon girl. Not only was she hard to trust, but she was also related to the Headmaster - the man trying to kill us.

"I owe Heath a favor, a big one. Besides, I hate my little nephew," she smiled clicking her needle-sharp teeth in irritation.

I nodded, still wasn't completely sure I could trust her, but what other choice did we have? Go back out into the street and wait until the Headmaster found us? No thank you.

"Okay. How long can we stay here and where?"

Jade smiled, teeth clicking, "You stay here, but under the library. You are not to be seen by anyone unless I approve of them myself. And as for how long, well, that depends on whether or not my little nephew has found a brain yet," she smirked.

I nodded but said nothing. This seemed to be our only choice and Océane seemed to silently agree. This was where were would stay.


Océane's POV:

Adam and I followed Jade. Although he seemed to trust her already - for whatever reason - I still did not. I didn't even completely trust Heath for that matter and he had been... or is... or was - whatever - I had trusted him with my life before tonight. Now I wasn't even sure if I could trust him with my laptop.

Jade lead us down to the library, "You know what good book you should read while here?" she asked us as we came up to the very back of the library, a book shelves filled with books were the only thing around us.

"No," Adam responded, in a slow cautious voice.

Good. He shouldn't trust her.

"Homer's Odyssey," she said with a mischievous grin as she reached out to a book on the highest shelf, barely able to reach it, she pushed it back. There was a click and the shelf swung open to reveal a door with a keypad on it.

What was it with all the secret entrances and exits tonight?

"The password is to enter is cyclops," she said as she entered the code. There was a small beep and click and Jade opened the door. We walked down the stairs. I was hesitant at first, it could be a trap, however, it seemed I didn't have much of a choice. I was mildly surprised by what greeted me at the foot of the stairs. It looked more like a cozy reading nook with a fully functioning kitchen than a demon's secret lair.

"There's food in the fridge and the sink works if you want water," Jade gestured to each as she spoke, "Through that door is the bathroom. Once I close the door, you are not to leave. Understood? Good."

I looked around the area that we would be living in for an indeterminate amount of time, hopefully, our stay would be a short one. I locked eyes with Jade for a second and nodded my agreement and understanding. She turned and left. We heard the lock click in place not long after.

"Well, it could be worse I guess," Adam shrugged and I couldn't help but agree with him on that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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