Chapter Ten || Revealed Identities

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"We lost contact when we were eighteen though. I kept getting kidnapped and they became heroes. We lost touch for a bit." Dream added and with a sigh, Sapnap and George both looked away.

Dream had always wanted to be a hero. At least, that's what he told Wilbur. But between the fact that he didn't have a particularly good power in the hero's field and the fact that he kept getting kidnapped, the top hero's denied him a license.

It was their first fight, actually. A few months into dating, when Wilbur told Dream who he was, Dream had asked him to stop being a hero out of fear that Wilbur would get hurt. They argued but quickly figured the argument out and have been fine ever since.

"Okay," a crackly voice interrupted, "Sorry to interrupt this very heartfelt moment, but I have a prison sentence that I'm very excited for and I'd like to how long it is." Bombee spoke up, Enderian proceeded to lightly stomp on Bombee's foot. "Hey! I want to know how long I have to spend with you guys in a cramped cell!" Bombee protested and slid his feet away.

"Well, Bombee, Mellohi and I don't want to know yet." Enderian reasoned, "I am enjoying being free right now, and so is Mellohi- I think." Enderian added and glanced down to his friend.

Mellohi lifted his head and purposely hit Enderian's chin, causing the Ender hybrid to hiss and rub his chin. "I agree with Bombee, I'd like a bigger cell though- for my claustrophobia." Mellohi said, Enderian sighed.

"The vigilantes are right. We should hurry up so we can go home sooner." Sam pointed out before standing, followed by the others. Dream stayed close to Wilbur the entire time to help him if he fell or anything.

Sam led the group to the giant cylinder, he turned to the group and gestured to the machine. "This is the ATIAP, it will scan you three so we know who you are and we can give you the sentences." Sam explained, he walked over to the computer and flicked it on. The machine whirred to life and the door opened.

"Who's going first, you three." Sam asked, the three exchanged what appeared to be nervous looks before Enderian stepped forward. "I'll go first." He volunteered and bowed his head.

Mellohi and Bombee looked hesitant but didn't follow as he walked up the stairs and into the cylinder. The door shut behind him, and a large screen video began playing of what Enderian did on the inside.

"So that's how you knew what I was doing." Wilbur spoke once he saw the video, "Huh."

The video showed him walking around hesitantly stilling in the centre of the room when Sam spoke. "The scan will make you nauseous for a few seconds, so that's just a warning." He said before pressing the button.

The green line came and went, Enderian doubled over painfully when it finished- causing Mellohi to take a step forward only for Bombee to pull him back.

"Pulling up file now..." Sam said, and with a few clicks, the file replaced the video.


Ranboo M. Beloved-Underscore

Ability: Teleportation

Age: 17

Height: 6'9

Features: Brown hair and eyes, black and white horns, thin black and white tail

Hybrid/Human: Ender

Danger Level: 17

Connections: Mari Beloved (Mother, DEAD) Evelynn Beloved (Mother, DEAD) Tubbo Underscore (Platonic Fiancé) Theseus Minecraft (Best Friend)

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