Chapter Fifteen || Shift

Start from the beginning

Angel suddenly flashed a black, shiny wing to the sky, a signal to get into positions. Everyone took a deep breath, this was it. Siren couldn't help but grin.

He saw Fern, Ignite, Devilish, Ares, Mellohi, Enderian, and Angel were walking towards the steps. So that was his father's team, plus him, of course. Siren knew it was a good team, top heroes plus two powerful vigilantes? That seemed like a good plan.

"Wait! Please!" Someone yelled as the hero's were climbing the stairs, they turned to see a brunet in a purple hoodie running up to them, other heroes were after the stranger, but they resisted the heroes. "I need to go with you!" They said desperately, they clasped their hands together.

The stranger had golden brown hair that curled slightly, their eyes were golden and he had pointed ears with a little amount of freckles dusting their face. They were a violet colour-block hoodie with a teal swirl and blue jeans, they had purple hightop converse on, their nails were painted black as well.

Ignite's eyes lit up with recognition, the brunet went on, "My name is Hypnosis, please, you need my help." He pleaded, Angel's eyes softened. "Hypnosis, you're a civilian, we don't want you to get caught in the crossfire." Angel explained gently.

Hypnosis' eyes were desperate, "You don't understand, if you want go succeed, you'll need my help." He explained, the group was hesitant, Hypnosis sighed. "I'm a direct descendant of Rewind." He spoke as a last ditch effort.

"I know the halls of this Temple like the back of my hand, my family has the blueprints." He added, Angel looked hesitant and turned to Ares. The hero shrugged in return and Angel looked back to Hypnosis.

They needed a guide, luck had provided them one.

Angel sighed, "Fine, but stay out of the fight." He finally agreed. Hypnosis' eyes were filled with relief, "Thank you, I know the architecture of this building really well. I know all the possible rooms where Shift might be." He said.

Hypnosis ran up the stairs and pulled out a rusty old key, he put the key in the door and slowly twisted it, a click was heard and the two old doors creaked open. Hypnosis grinned and turned back to them.

"Come on! You guys have a villain to catch!" He said, grinning, the hero's exchanged looks before shrugging and following the mysterious person inside. Mellohi lingered though, something felt... off, about Hypnosis.

Mellohi shook his head and walked forward and caught up with the heroes plus Enderian, the two teenagers shared a worried look but didn't speak up.

The group followed the strange civilian inside, they were all shocked, though, when the saw the interior of the Temple- even Hypnosis seemed off-put by it.

The stone wall were beautiful enough, but picture frames were ruined, the canvas was ripped and ruined beyond recognition, and the golden frames were scratched and crumbling. Pedestals and shelfs were cracked in half, the items resting on them were shattered on the ground- where was the Temple Keeper? Glass, metal, and wood covered the ripped carpet ground- was that blood?

Everyone was uneasy after seeing it, "What the fuck happened here?" Ignite breathed out, no one answered it. There were wooden doors along the hall that were splintered and worn, it looked like something had put up a fight in here. Someone had put up a fight.

Hypnosis looked shocked and horrified though, "Gods above." He whispered, "What happened to him." He got weird looks for that but shook his head and stepped forward.

"Come on, I- you have to confront Shift." He said, the heroes agreed and they pressed on, careful of the debris that littered the floor.

Hypnosis led them through many rooms within the temple, cursing to himself when it turned up destroyed or the door was blocked by rubble and other sorts of debris.

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