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𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑎 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑧

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𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑎 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑧

ANA AND MARIO WERE DROPPED OFF AT SCHOOL, i began walking on my own to the next block and down so i could get to school. the elementary school felt like a long walk from the high school but it wasn't, it was just a 10 minute walk. i still had time anyways. my little pumps clicked loudly on the pavement, i could feel the blisters coming in but i still had to wear them.

on my way, i found a dx cap lying on the ground of vine street. i knew one of the workers from the dx, steve randle, was no charm at school like his friend dallas winston. last time i had encountered him was when he whispered to his friends about me, ponyboy being one of them told me it was about my puerto rican eyes. i remember walking up to him at lunch just to smack his face right in front of his friends, they all made fun of him for getting hit by a girl.

i stuffed the hat in my bag, maybe it did belong to steve. the least i could do is give it back to him without saying anything. steve rarely attends school, after every wednesday, he'll stop showing up until the next week. same goes to dallas winston but after a monday, he's out of here. it was only johnny cade and ponyboy curtis who would stay in school for the entire week, ponyboy was the smartest one out of their gang from what i hear, he's already been given scholarships despite the fact that he's only a freshman.

"ay, why don't you cook us up a taco, would ya?!" a familiar new york accent spoke.

"don't want to bring out the chanclas!" another mocked my puerto rican accent.

"turn that fine thing around, doll!" the new york accent added.

i aggressively turn to get no surprise but just the three faces of dallas winston, two-bit matthews, and steve randle. there was usually another one who's always with steve but he was nowhere to be found. i wanted to ignore them but they were coming closer each minute, dallas was already speeding towards me when he realized i stoped.

i then just slowly walked away but a hand gripped my wrist, it was none other than dallas himself.

"where ya going, muchacha?! don't need to in such a rush." he spun me around so i could face him.

"you're making me fucking late, now let go of me, gringo." i snarled, he didn't follow my commands. "are ya deaf, i said let go!"

"c'mon dal, i think she's had e-"

"no, ain't nobody from your stupid country can tell me what to fucking do." dallas strongly gripped my chin, i tried my best to put on my poker face but this boy was strong. "you stop being such a bitch or go back to where you belong."

"let go of her, alright?!" the tan shy boy spoke, we all looked at him.

nobody spoke a word but just stood there looking at the boy who stuffed his hands in his pocket, dallas let go of me and proceeded to walk away. my book fell out of my hand but ponyboy curtis was there to pick it up for me. his friends rushed him to run back to them, mostly because they wanted him away from a puerto rican like me.

"i'm so sorry for my friend." ponyboy whispers before running up to his friends.

i forcefully grinned before walking down the road towards my school, that gang was already gone by the time i looked ahead. some socs passed by in their fancy cars but those were the ones who changed and stayed in tulsa, for instance, rocky meller who was a big time bully in will rogers. after bob's death he just saw greasers and puerto rican in a different way, the way where you'd back off of someone.

school was crowded but i managed to get to my friends who were waiting for me by the entrance, they all teased me for being late but they would've treated me differently if i told them why i was late, what kind of person would i be if i ratted out dallas and his friends.

the moment i walked into school my eyes couldn't help itself but look at dallas who was trying to pants this one kid in glasses and suspenders, his locker was opened so it's no surprise he'll hang the kid by the suspenders. we accidentally locked eyes which forced me to look behind him, sherri valence and marcia white who had no interest in being an acquaintance with me.

"she is not worth your time." my friend, valerie said.

"sherri and marcia are just a bunch of stuck up putas." andre chuckled, i shook my head and laughed.

"look it, dal." i heard someone whispered.

"she's got a fine piece of ass but not the one to tap." dallas says out loud with an evil chuckle.

"you really gon' let him talk about you like that?" andre asks, i shook my head.

"hell no." i sent him a disgusted look before turning around.

i began walking towards dallas who glared at me while i was on my way, his friends did the same. when i stepped close to him, i smacked his right cheek a shard as i could, it was so hard he even fell into one of his friends who just laughed in his face. there was a small smirk on my face when my back was turned towards him, that was when my friends dragged me away before dallas could pick a fight between andre for no reason at all.

i turned back to see the angry dallas winston standing there with his fingers resting in his cheek, i flipped him the bird with a smirk before walking away to my classroom.

in that moment i felt like that was all i needed to do, slap dallas winston who was the one to start the fights, but only with guys. who knows what this boy could do to me, especially when i'm just a girl and he's a tough boy.

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