Chapter 25

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Illumina's PoV

I texted the boys if they want to go out camping today and they didn't want to so I texted Dream if he wants to go out camping and lucky for he said yes and don't ask questions about how I know dreams phone number I went back to the group chat and said me and dream are going camping sucks on them they didn't want to go they didn't reply I don't really care what I care about is me and dream who is soon to be my wife are both camping alone

Or so I thought we weir alone "what are you guys doing here I thought you didn't what to go camping!?!" "well suck to be you I can't let you steal my  future wife away from me" fundy said "your wife hell nah he's going to be mine" we argue and we did even know dream was already their till philza cleared his throat "*ehem* so Illumina what are we going to ride?" "oh ah I have my van park over their" I pointed I started the van so we can go to our campsite Im quite frustrated because they have to come here they even said that they won't come plus what's more frustrating is that dream is sitting between fundy and quackity we finally arrived at the campsite its still noon we have more time to prepare and unpack our things we walk in to the cabin and unpack our thing upstairs theirs only six rooms so we have to share the first room is George and sapnap going to stay the second is techno and Sam third is quackity and me the fourth is Tommy and tubbo and the fifth is wilbur and fundy and the last is philza and dream God I hope that philza don't tell dream about us having a huge crush on him that would be the worst it was already night and we slept after we have eaten food the dream made it was delicious I can't stand that I always dream about me and  dream getting married

{meowbahh is a boy!!!?... Sorry if its short...hope you like the chapter bye little kittens}


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