39. It wasn't real

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It's time to leave and Satori hugs Momoi while standing next to the car. Aomine bids his farewell to all his friends on the passenger's side.

"You look after yourself okay?" Momoi says fondly.

"Will do. You too."

"And if he is being a dick, just call me and I will scold him for you." She offers, making Satori chuckle.


Now in the car, Satori reverses out of the driveway and, after a final wave, they drive off.

"I could have driven back." Aomine says slightly argumentative.

"I don't mind. You had a lot to drink last night and you didn't sleep much."

"Oh so you're more worried that I'll fall asleep on the wheel." He retorts offended.

"No. We go back to class tomorrow and I'd rather see you on form rather than exhausted from your holiday." She answers with a hint of a patronising tone.

"I'm fine!"

"You nearly fell asleep eating lunch."

"I was resting my eyes. It was super bright." He says obviously trying to give excuses.

"You were tired."


"Will you just shut up and rest?" She interrupts having lost her cool, stunning him.

"Fine. Wake me if you're bored." He says leaning the seat back.

"I will." She won't.

This was a bad idea. This silence is too much, the drive boring and she overthinks again as he has fallen asleep.

Is their agreement over now? It was supposed to be a bit of fun, it became an act and now she doesn't know anymore.

She knows he likes her but she said the whole girlfriend thing was only going to last while they were with his friends.

Although he must know that she's feeling something because she did everything to make him feel that way.

She didn't deceive him, she just let her guard down. She would never have let her guard down for Kuroo so why for him? Feelings. He managed to make her feel something. Bastard!

Is he expecting something now though and is she ready to give it to him?

They are getting closer to the city and she has more questions in her head than she has answers. She's confused. She doesn't know what she wants.

Well right now she wants ramen and stops at a drive through which wakes him up.

"Hey." He says stretching.

"Hey, what do you want to eat?"

"Oh. Good idea." He says noticing where they are and resetting the back of his seat to an upright position. "Just a Teriyaki burger."

"Hi. Can I have two Teriyaki burgers and miso ramen please?" She orders.

"Two Teriyaki burgers and one miso ramen. Any drinks?"

"No thanks."

"Please go to the next window for payment."

After paying and picking up their food, she drives them home which is only just under ten minutes away.

Nothing much is said during that short drive. She's now nervous but he's still sleepy and hasn't noticed yet.

Once parked, he gets out and hands her the food while he takes things out of the trunk.

Imperfect match // Daiki Aomine (Kuroko no Basuke)Where stories live. Discover now