Humanity's Strongest

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That's all there was when the Colossal Titan broke through the wall causing a bunch of titans to enter the city.  A boy with black and white hair ran away before a giant piece of debris landed next to him causing him to fall to the ground.

???: There you are!

The boy looked up to see his father running up to him and helping him up.

Father: We need to get to the boats! Come on!

They both continued to run as other people were running to the boats before the boy and father looked back to see a giant rock heading towards them.

Father: Damn it!

The father pushed the boy out of the way as the rock landed on him and the boy fell unconscious.


The boy woke up to see destruction before he looked at the rock next to him and ran up to it.

???: Dad....No...

A titan appeared by the boy reaching its hand out to him before a hook shot into the titan's arm as a person zipped past and sliced the nape of the titan's neck. The titan fell to the ground as the person landed.

???: Hey! Are you alright?

The boy took a good look at the person to see a ginger-haired girl staring at him.

The boy took a good look at the person to see a ginger-haired girl staring at him

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???: My father...

The girl looked at the giant rock before looking back at the boy with an apologetic look.

???: I'm sorry for your loss, but we gotta get you out of here.

A bunch of other hooks stuck to the ground next to the woman before some other people joined the girl.

???: Petra, what are you doing standing around?

Petra: If you couldn't see, Oruo. This boy has just lost the only family he has.

Oruo: Who cares about that? Doesn't give you the right to just stand there

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Oruo: Who cares about that? Doesn't give you the right to just stand there.

Petra: Why you...

???: Alright, you two. Calm down.

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