Hobbies Are Cool!

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???: That's so creepy! Why do you like girls' dolls, Waachan? You're a boy. I hate you, Wacchan!

A little girl had run away from a boy as he held out his hand but couldn't speak.

???: So you like Hina Dolls?

The boy turned around to see another boy with black hair looking at the dolls in the cabinet.

???: Y-yeah. They're just really pretty...

???: That's so cool!

???: Huh?

Y/n: Everyone has some kind of hobby. Yours is Hina Dolls. Which I think is cool. The names Y/n L/n. My hobbies are Gaming and Kendo. What's your name?

Gojo: Wakana Gojo...

Y/n: Cool. We're friends now so I hope to learn more about you, Gojo.

Gojo: S-Sure.


Y/n and Gojo spent most of their time together with Y/n's parents meeting Gojo's Gramps, Gojo showing Y/n his Gramps prized Hina dolls, and Y/n showing Gojo his gaming skills. After a few months of them being friends, Y/n had to go to Gojo to relay some bad news.

Gojo: You're moving away?!

Y/n: Yeah...It came as a surprise to me.

Gojo: B-But I don't want you to go. I can barely make any friends...

Kaoru: Now, Wakana. I know it must be hard for you but you gotta respect Y/n's wishes.

Gojo: But...

Y/n: Thanks, Mr. Gojo. Gojo, I know I can't stay but I will be back and when I do I hope to see your best Hina doll.

Gojo: R-Right! I hope to see you as a big gamer as well. 

Y/n: Just watch me!


An alarm clock rang out as an older Gojo had woken up before stopping his alarm and looking over to a desk to a head of a Hina doll.

Gojo: Morning. You're still as beautiful as ever. I need you to be for his and Gramps's sake.

Gojo started his morning routine by greeting his Gramps, Praying at his family shrine, and making breakfast with his Gramps.

Kaoru: You were working late again last night, weren't you? Are you getting enough sleep?

Gojo: Well, I was just on a roll last night. My brush wouldn't and I ended up painting a handful of them. But, I can't get them perfect like you, Gramps. 

Kaoru: How many years do you think I've been doing this?

Gojo: Hm...47?

Kaoru: 48!

Gojo & Kaoru: Let's eat.

Both Gojo and his gramps started eating before Kaoru had spoken up.

Kaoru: Have you made any friends now that you're in high school?

Gojo did a spit take almost choking on his food.

Kaoru: You okay?

Gojo: I'm fine...Wait. Where'd this come from?

Kaoru: Well, I mean...ever since Y/n left, You spent all your time messing with dolls throughout grade and middle school. I started wondering if you had any friends.

Gojo: Of course I have friends! Lots of 'em. I've always had friends.

Kaoru: Welp, I feel better.


We see a young black-haired boy getting off a train as he looks at his hometown.

Y/n: So good to be back here after winning that tournament. Now, I gotta go and find my new school.


Gojo was in his classroom sitting by himself as other students were talking to each other.

Gojo: Sorry Gramps. I still...haven't made a single friend, even in high school. How can I, anyway? My dream is to be a kashirashi for Hina dolls. I'm not like Y/n.

Gojo got a notification on his phone showing an article "Profesional Gamer G/n wins 500k tournament."

Gojo: At least he has achieved his dream. I'm still far behind...

???: Woah, wait.

Gojo turned to see a girl falling towards him before she bumped her head against his desk.

???: That...hurt.

???: Yikes, sorry.

???: My bad, Marin! Are you okay?!

Marin: Ow...Yeah, I think I'm fine...Oh sorry. Um...Gojo-kun.

Gojo: K-Kitagawa-san! U-Uh, um...

Marin: You good?

Gojo: Y-Yes!

Marin then looked at Gojo's phone before seeing the article.

Marin: Oh?! Are you also a fan of G/n?!

Gojo: Huh? O-Oh...You could say so. He was a friend of mine when I was little.

Marin: You knew G/n when he was a kid?! Amazing!

Gojo: Yeah...

The door to the classroom opened as students turned to it.

Y/n: Hah! Have I made it in time? Nice to meet you all.

Gojo: Y/n?

Y/n looked up to see Gojo at the back of the class.

Y/n: Gojo? It's nice to see you again.

Marin: Ah!

Y/n looked to the girl standing next to Gojo with her hands covering her mouth and eyes wide.

Y/n: Oh! Who are you?

Marin: M-Marin Kitagawa. You're G/n...

Y/n: Yeah, that's my gamer name but my real name is Y/n L/n.

Marin grabbed Y/n's hands together as her eyes sparkled.

Marin: I'm a huge fan, especially of your playthrough of Saint Slippery's Academy for Girls - The Young Ladies of the Humiliation Club: Debauched Miracle Life 2!

Y/n & Gojo: Eh?


Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 16



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