Love Triangle (kind of) Part 2 - Tee HigginsxJoe Burrow & TeexJa'Marr Chase

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ever since I saw the videos of Ja'Marr crying after they won the afc championship I imagine he's the biggest cry baby ever so keep that in mind...

y'all ready for a bunch of nonsense? Okay let's go!


as soon as Ja'Marr got to campus him and Joe (and Justin Jefferson and Grant Delpit) became fast friends

I imagine one day early in their friendship they're all just chilling and Justin mentions missing his niece and nephew and joe's like "oh they'll be here in a couple weeks" and ja'marr is all "You have kids?!?". Joe is like "wow I hadn't mentioned that yet?" and shows him pictures and that just shocks Ja'Marr even more because "they're baby babies!!"

So then they just go on about their business until a different day Tee (along with the babies) FaceTime Joe while he's with Ja'marr and one of them says something that makes Ja'Marr realize "holy shit that's his baby daddy! ... wait, that means Joe BIRTHED those kids!" After that he pays a little extra attention to when Joe gets a phone call and he just thinks their family is the cutest thing and Tee seems to really adore Joe and vice versa.

*Now fast forward to when Tee drops the twins off to Joe*

Joe talked about it nonstop for a week beforehand and Ja'Marr is happy for him and also excited to meet the twins himself.

After practice he, Justin, and Grant are at Joe's place waiting for them to arrive when Joe gets a text and doesn't even say anything, just lets out an excited squeal and runs out the door. Ja'marr and them all look at each other like "wth" but then Joe comes back a couple minutes later with a car seat in hand with a tall, dark skin boy behind him with another car seat and it hits him that that's the father of Joe's kids. He'd never actually seen Tee before so as he's introducing himself all he can think is "woah this man is FINE!"

They all just chill and play with the babies and Ja'Marr has to keep reminding himself that that not only is that his friend's boyfriend but also the father of his children so his thoughts need to chill tf out. After a couple hours Tee asks the group if they can watch the kids for a minute while he talks to Joe and they agree. After they go into the bedroom Grant and Justin start snickering and Ja'Marr is lost and asks "wait why are you laughing?" And Grant says " please, you think they're going to just 'talk' " and jamarr is STILL confused so Justin tells him very bluntly that they went to have sex and then Ja'marr is like "LANGUAGE! There are children present"

After about 40 minutes Tee and Joe finally comeback looking almost normal besides the fact that Tee has big dumb grin on his face and Joe is glowing and yea ... no denying what they just did... at that point Ja'marrs thoughts have entered insane levels of inappropriateness so he excuses himself to his own accommodations and takes a cold shower.

Following this he doesn't see Tee in person that often so he always convinces himself that his little crush is gone but he's always proven wrong the next time he sees him.

*fast forward again, LSU beats Clemson in the national championship, Joe and Tee get drafted to the Bengals*

You think getting drafted to the same team would strengthen their relationship after being long distance but it does not, they start having issues and after Joe's injury they get to a breaking point and finally come to the conclusion to break up. They still have mad love for each other but not in love anymore (if they ever even were)

When Joe tells Ja'Marr he has mixed feelings, he feels bad for his best friend, he really thought they were 4lyfers and on the other hand he's lowkey thinking "... do I have a chance now?" but he tries to do away with those thoughts because hello that's his besties ex/baby daddy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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