LaMelo Ball&Miles Bridges

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- I feel like I should lead with what some people might find most surprising and that's that Melo tops and Miles is the bottom. Even though Miles is ever so slightly taller and is bigger build wise, I feel like he would bottom based on three things: 1. He's so pretty 🥰 (to me at least 😭) 2. He lowkey gotta fatty fr 3. Idk why but he really just seems like he would appreciate some good d

- If you know about Melo then you know how childish he is, but then you also know how close him and Miles are. Miles is in his 4th NBA season and you can tell he's a leader on the hornets so my idea is that Melo is always there to help Miles destress and make sure he doesn't overwork himself and no matter how childish Melo is he will never play around when it comes to Miles health both mentally and physically.

Other than that though on the day to day they're just their normal lovable selves and are the cutest best friends/boyfriends you'll ever see!

- In this lil universe Miles still has his 2 kids with his irl Gf, but they broke up on good terms and she and Miles and Melo all get along greatly (the first time they talked after he and Miles became official, Melo was nervous but she assured him that everything was cool "you fill his heart and his guts so you're alright with me")

Melo is also really great with the kids, his childish personality helps but even beyond that he's really good at the parenting part of being a parent

Staying on the family side of things ... When they officially become a couple they try to keep up the simply best friends act with everyone, but ofc Melos family sees right through it, but they have no issues (hell lavar even claims he called it months ago and his brothers rib on him for being so lovey dovey). Miles' family on the other hand is divided.. His older sisters (I believe he has 2 or 3 of em) are more accepting and are just happy their baby is happy whereas his parents are more hesitant to be okay with it but I feel like after some deep family conversation his parents finally start warming up to it ... still a ways from being completely accepting tho


okay so that was the first part! each ship will prolly end up having multiple parts. I know this probably isn't the cleanest way to do this but its just for fun anyway and ill prolly get better as time goes on.

I hope you enjoyed!

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