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"Trouble in paradise?" Someone coughs making me turn my attention towards the shadows. As they walk out of the darkness I realize it's the local  terrorist. 

Fred lights up a cigarette and my mood changes immediately. He looks at me intently with a blank face and I continue to feel uncomfortable.

"Got to head back to Lindsey"

Keilan grabs my hand as I try to walk away making me look back at him.

"Stay" He gets closer and surprisingly the smell of liquor isn't stuck on him. Looking back at Fred he raises up his hands.

"I know you hate me love. Just a delivery guy tonight."

He grabs something out of his pockets walking closer to us. Getting a closer view allows me to see that its a bunch of cigarettes in a ziplock bag. They greet each other bumping fists and he walks back to the shadows in a trail of smoke.  

"I'd give you a blunt but you're drunk" he takes one out, putting the rest in his leather jacket. He lets go of my waist as he lights it, blowing the smoke away from me.

"aww the badboy cares about my lungs?" I sarcastically pout holding my heart.

"mostly your lips" he takes another hit, making it turn a bright red.

I look away biting my lower lip. How was this night meant to be about forgetting him? Having him so close makes me want to stay by his side forever.

We're complete opposites but maybe that's what pulls us together? Taking out my phone I point it towards him. Wanting to keep this moment somewhere more permanent than my memory.

He smiles as I take a step back to get a good shot of him on his car. His eyes are getting low and a faint red as he continues to smoke.

"Show them to me" he reaches out his hand.

Scrolling past the photos he starts to look at my gallery. I try to grab it back but he's way taller than me. Smiling at my futile attempts he points the camera at me. I shyly pose, doing my best not to break character when he says something funny.

"Come" he speaks in a soft commanding voice.

Holding my waist he pulls me close, filling the gap in between us. 

"But I haven't seen if I liked them"

"The memory is what's important princess" he kisses my forehead. 

The night starts to feel hazy as I embrace his hold on me. He slowly pushes my hair behind my shoulder and starts to kiss my neck.

Keilan clearly knows my body now, hitting all of my weak spots. I moan softly as he kisses my neck,the background club music plays from a distance in reverb as I melt in his embrace.

Raising up my phone he takes a selfie when we both look flustered. I smile as he holds me close, taking more photos.

His phone rings and part of me wishes that he doesn't stop. Checking the dialer, he declines the call typing in a short message.

Leading me to his car, he opens the backseat door for me. 

"After you mi'lady" He bows.

His phone rings again and he picks it up when he sits beside me. Curiosity gets the best of me and I want to know who he's talking to.

"Yeah I'm down to leave" 

Locking eyes with me when he's done, he kisses me immediately. His touch is soft and gentle, making me want him all over me. A loud cheer outside doesn't stop our embrace and I sit on his lap. The kiss deepens as he holds my waist, pushing me against him. 

"OMG guys get a room" Lindsey's voice startles me as she closes the passenger door. I never heard her get in.

Dean follows almost immediately. Turning my attention back at Keilan, I raise an eyebrow.

"Can't drink and drive baby"  he smirks raising his hips. I blush as he kisses my cheek, Dean starting the car.

Out of courtesy I get off his lap and rest my head on his shoulder instead. The drive is fun, mostly Dean dropping corny jokes every chance he gets.

"You know guys used to say this house was haunted by a turkey" Lindsey drops her bag and sinks in one of the sofas when we enter their house.

"We were thinking the same thing. Though he insisted it was a chicken" They both look at each other and laugh

"There's a window that needs to be fixed, it makes a cluck like noise when the wind blows and its open" Keilan states.

"Okay now for the most cliche part of the night. Scary stories!"

Smiling I shake my head, still buzzed. I sit on the L shaped couch, lying down instead. Keilan towers over me and I raise my head as he sits, placing my head on his lap.

He strokes my hair, gently touching my ear as Lindsey narrates a scary story. She makes everything comical, using the flashlight from her phone to make herself look scary.

"I love you" I speak softly.

"I love you more baby"

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