Chapter Five

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She headed to the dining room, with long agile strides. She would be alpha soon. That is if they didn't just hand it over to Dorian. Though she wanted to give her father the benefit of the doubt, she didn't know what her future position would be after marrying Dorian. She hoped they didn't she cast her aside for Dorian to take over. She walked into the dining room seeing her father sitting with a plate of ham and bacon in front of him. She meandered over to the chair next to her father, the plate of steak and strawberries looking utterly delicious. She knew her food was a bit odd choice for breakfast but she loved it. She sat down on her spot practically already tasting the steak. "Hello, my beautiful girl!" her father greeted her. "Hello, father," she replied. He cleared his throat as if preparing to give her one of his very important fatherly speeches. He smiled looking over at her. "You look more and more like your mother with each day that passes." He said with a melancholy smile. He sighed and his smile became more genuine. " I still remember the first time I saw her," he said telling her the story for the millionth time, but for some reason she wanted him to tell the story all the way through. " Most shifters either mate for fate or convenience," he said but then as if remembering he's forcing his daughter to do this he looked down seemingly sheepish. "Your mother was new to the pack, it was her first group shift, and I knew right away that our souls belonged together." He said nostalgia bleeding out of his tone. Werewolves always knew if their mate was in the pack as soon as they shifted together. Though it's hard if your mate isn't in the pack since you only have one day each month as a wolf. But what about the red-eyed wolf? Hadn't it just last night paid a visit to her? What made them so different besides the eye color that caused them to change outside of a full moon? Why had she let the wolf stay in her bed anyway she had been taught that they were evil. But the wolf didn't seem malicious to her. Remembering her father called her down here to tell her something she shook her thoughts of the red-eyed wolf away. "Father, what was the news you had for me?" she asked. His expression turned back to its cheery self that it usually was. "Ah, that, you see the wolf council will be here on Friday. We will be hosting a ball not just to welcome their stay throughout your wedding but to celebrate your and Dorian's pending nuptials," he said with a grin. She felt queasy with worry. The wolf council were the big guys. Her father may have seemed important and he is, but the council had alpha power overall the packs. Throughout her life, she didn't understand why the council so wanted her father in the limelight it wasn't like one of them had to be. She always thought it would have been easier if all packs lay low and live like normal humans. "The council will be here in two days?" She asked. Her father calmly nodded. "You and Dorian should get to spend some time together you'll be having your big dance on Friday it would probably be best to get comfortable with each other." He said his gaze fixed on his plate as if he felt unsure about bringing the topic up. But he did have a point, not only was she going to have to dance with him in two days but she was going to have to share her life with him. And werewolves lived long, not taking into account if you so happened to get murdered or anything but. She cleared her throat, "yeah, you're right I'll ask Dorian later what he would like to do with me." she said.

She walked over to the door she knew held Dorian's room. Balling her hands into a fist wrapping her knuckles on the door. She wasn't expecting the one who had answered the door. The entrance to the room beheld the beautiful Vanessa, she was wearing a handsome white jumpsuit, while the sun was shining on her making it appear as if she had a halo, Vanessa's green eyes were practically glittering it was truly hypnotizing. Ally felt as if Vanessa truly was the definition of angelic. "May I help you?" Vanessa asked. Vanessa's voice shocked Ally out of her stupor causing her to remember her real reason for being here. Though now she was here she just wanted to ask Vanessa to do something with her. Which was absolutely pathetic since nothing had happened between them. In fact, Vanessa had been quite rude. "Actually I was looking for your brother," she explained. Vanessa looked down crossing her arms, for a split second Ally could have sworn she saw a hint of jealously on Vanessa's face. But she knew that was just wishful thinking.
" My brother is out right now he'll be back in an hour," she said. Ally looked around not quite sure what to do now it would be unusual to just wait an hour for Dorian in his room without permission. "You could come in if you wanted," Vanessa said. She had taken a step back and opened the door further allowing Ally to enter the room. Ally thought for a second, should she go in? Does this mean something to Vanessa? Should she be wanted it to mean something to Vanessa?  She decided to go in. Upon entering she saw the bookshelf that had already been in there had been stacked with Dorian's books making it seem like he was a permanent guessed, which if she thought about it he kinda was. She took another look at the books and realized there was no cover titled on them. Curious she found this very curious. Her curiosity got the best of her she walked over to the shelf reaching the books she could see they looked old as if they'd been passed down from generation to generation. Her fingertips got to them when Vanessa snatched the book away. Startled she let out a gasp. "Dorian holds these books very close to his heart, I don't think he would appreciate you touching them," she said though she seemed anxious. Ally's eyes traveled from the book to Vanessa's arm where her jumpsuit sleeve had been pushed up there revealing a gnarly scar but it didn't look like just any scar it looked like a scar that a werewolf would leave. Forgetting the book Allys's fingers inched over to the scar her fingers gently brushing it when Vanessa flinched sidestepping her. "Sorry. I shouldn't have." Ally apologized. Vanessa's breathing became more audible she turned her head shielding her gaze. " What happened?" she asked hoping her voice rang with a gentleness that would put Vanessa at ease. She straightens herself out composing herself. "The people who know what happened are those I trust, you have not earned that right. Yet," she said.

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