Chapter Four

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Two bright blue eyes stared straight at her. Eyes that she had thought she would never see again. The eyes were so bright that even the darkness could not wrap itself around their brightness and smother it. "Grandmother?" she said in a groggy voice. The old women's eyes crinkled, she reached over and took Ally's hand. " Grandma, how are you here?" she asked incredulously. Her Grandmother let out a wistful sigh. "Dear child I'm not here. Not really," she said with a softness she hadn't used since Ally was a little girl. "I'm merely here on a duty," she explained.
" A duty? And what might that duty be?" Ally asked concern entering her voice. Her grandmother's forehead creased with stress as if the mission she had been sent on had floated out of her brain and now that Ally had brought it up the gravity came back and caused the weight of it to smoosh her. Her grandmother leaned in closer to her "I came here to tell you I was wrong." she whispered. "Wrong? Wrong about what?" she asked bewildered. "I found out they were lying, child," she said. She noticed then her grandma's eyes seemed to dart out and there was an agitation about her. "They'll kill you if I reveal their identity, just like they did me." Alertness bloomed through Ally. Killed? Her grandmother hadn't been killed. At least that's not the story she'd been told, she'd been told her grandmother had fallen down the stairs Eventually, with how many stairs she had fallen and how old she was there was no time for her to heal causing her to die. But none of this was making sense including the part where her grandma revealed she had been murdered. "What are you saying, grandma?" she asked. " I'm saying have an open mind, and trust no one." Just as suddenly she was there she was gone.

Ally huffed and flopped her back onto the bed. She decided she wasn't ready to process this right now so she was going to sleep and deal with this in the morning. She turned over and was met with red eyes. The eyes she saw in the alley. The ones she'd been told to stay away from. But her grandmother had just visited her and told her to have an open mind was this what she was talking about? Even if that's what her grandma meant she felt uneasy with the red-eyed wolf this close to her, at the same time she want to pull her comforter back as an offering to the wolf and snuggle up close to run her fingers through its sift silky fur. She knew it was reckless. She knew this beast could try and lure her into safety and clamp its jaws on her neck in the night. But something about it told her to take the chance. So she did, she pulled the covers back waiting to see the wolf's reaction. The wolf put its snout on the bed where she had just pulled the covers up, sniffing its area. It hopped up onto the bed making a circle and then resting its body down on the mattress. She still felt apprehensive. The wolf padded up to where she was laying and bowed its head down. It seemed it was asking a question, she reached her hand up to touch the soft fur on the wolf's head the wolf rest on her arm that had been outstretched on the bed. The wolf licked the hand that had been petting it. It snuggled down and fell asleep. She soon forgot about her misgivings toward the wolf and rested her head near the wolf's and the warmth she was wrapped in lulled her into sleep.

She woke and the wolf was gone. She felt slightly disappointed. She wanted a chance to understand the wolf. Though maybe what she needed to do right now was march into the library and not leave she found something. She heard a knock at the door. Following Harlow entering her room. She saw that Harlow was carrying a piece of paper in her hand, Harlow walked over to her handing the paper to her. "There you are miss, your father would like to see you for breakfast, soon," she said. Bowing before she headed for the door and promptly exited the room. Ally unfolded the paper and read.

Dear Ally,

Why I almost feel offended! My Dear friend. I wake in the morning and what do I see in the paper? My Ally is getting married to one Dorian Legrain. Who I might add is a looker. Nice work! Pushing aside my offense, I will be at your wedding if it's the last thing I do! I shall be at your mansion in no time!

With love your dearest friend, Morgan

Ally laughed while reading this. Morgan had been a childhood friend of hers. They'd always been unique. They refused to use an iPhone because they said it was deeply unpersonal. Whenever they weren't in Los Angeles they made sure they would send letters keeping in date with each other lives. She couldn't wait to see them, maybe she could unload all of the things that had been going on in her life. Maybe Morgan would know more about the red-eyed wolf. Though she never had brought the topic up before it never really mattered before. She read through Morgan's paper again feeling sad that they weren't here already. She chuckled reading the part about Dorian. Though it wasn't that she didn't think Dorian was unattractive, he just seemed a bit... Meek? She could see maybe being good friends with him. And maybe. Maybe in time, she could come to love him, but it was hard when he wasn't the one filling up her thoughts. She flushed at the thought of how close Vanessa's lips were to hers. It was a stupid thought but, whenever she thought about her she had this feeling of rightness. A feeling like a world was screaming at her. Well, sorry world, looks like not everyone gets what they want. She climbed out of bed went to the closet now full of clothing that she and Vanessa has picked out and got herself ready for breakfast.

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