Chapter eight

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Ally groaned at the words "makeover" she knew that she did spend some time walking in a store with Vanessa but that was different. What Morgan is talking about is hair, clothes, shoes, and make-up. But she knew she would have to say yes. Not only was the council arriving today but the "nuptial celebration" was happening today. Funny how it was her nuptials but she didn't get to plan anything about it including the party. As far as she knew she wasn't evening being allowed to plan her wedding all she had to do was try on the dress. Which in some respects gave her some respite from the whole, marrying someone she hardly knew. She Nudged Morgan off of her bed so she could get out of the covers and go to the bathroom. She padded in there with a head heavy with sleep. She got to the pristine white sink grabbing for her toothbrush after putting a dollop of toothpaste on the brush she stared dazedly at the mirror. Her eyes narrowed at what was peering back at her. She spits out the toothpaste quickly and jerked her head back up to the view of the mirror. Starring back at her were two red eyes. Only it wasn't the wolf, no. It was her. She blinked her eyes rapidly as if her eyes were a camera and they were set to shutter mode. She continued blinking only stopping after her eyes grew tired and couldn't keep the fire shut and open at a rapid pace. Once she stopped she opened her eyes wider for examination. Studying her eyes they once again looked like her own blues eyes ones that people told her were so like her mothers. Her heartfelt like it was going to kick-box itself out of her chest from the fright Morgan caused her knocking on the door. "Hey, you okay in there?" They asked, oblivious to what horror was happening in the bathroom. Was it her sleep fogged brain playing cruel tricks on her? Was she what her grandmother told her to fear when she was a little girl? But then her grandmother came to her at night telling her she was wrong, though she didn't exactly tell her what she was wrong about. Maybe the red-eyed wolf had cursed her. Though it seemed harmless when it cuddled next to her. Though maybe that's what it wanted her to think to get close to her so it could infect her. "Ally?" Morgan jarred her out of her chaotic thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine." Ally answered. Trying to sound like she wasn't feeling. She rinsed her mouth out hoping it would have the same effect on her mind.

"What about this one?" Morgan asked holding up a sparkly blue dress. She loved Morgan dearly but sometimes their fashion could be a bit eccentric for her. She shook her head. Morgan was not fazed by this they went back into the clothing aisle and continued their hunt. While they were searching Ally's brain was left to its own devices, on lope she saw images of her red eyes staring back at her in the mirror. What could it mean?

Morgan moved further in the racks they started moving and creaking to the point Ally was imagining the clothing exploding off the racks. "Aha!" They exclaimed in what seemed like a triumph. They Held out a floor-length black dress that had a hint of sparkle it looked like a fairy was passing by in a hurry so they just took their pouch out and sprinkled just a hint. The arms were lacey etched with floral designs they spread out to the chest. She loved it, there was a certain air coming off the dress. Power. Power was, she could see herself looking like a queen in that tall, elegant, and ready to lead. She nodded her head at the dress wanting and needing to feel that way. Their faces morphed into what can only be described as a Cheshire smile. They grabbed her arm stirring her toward her area of privacy where she tried on clothes. With the dress in their other hand, they moved speedily fast a mission on their mind. Once they arrived at the destination they set the hanger of the dress on the hook above the door. They exited the room promptly, yelling at her to try the dress.

She left her privacy area striding over to the standing mirror. The reflection showed a strong powerful woman in a dark dress that hugged her curves wickedly well. She looked intimidating she felt it too. She felt glorious. Her mind kept pestering her with futile questions. Would Vanessa think she looked beautiful? Would this make her want her? Could be that Vanessa already wanted her? She shook her head watching the thoughts fly out of her head. Morgan clapped their hands in approval of the dress. "Now hair!" They squealed.

They walked toward the royal hairdresser her dress moving with her. Though her stomach rumbled with hunger. She asked Morgan if they could stop for a snack and they said, "Beauty waits for no one darling." They said. Her stomach let out another loud rumble.

Morgan was walking ahead of her into the salon she heard her chatting with someone before she entered the room. When she walked into the room she saw a young man getting his ruly curly hair cut once she got closer she recognized who that young man was. It was Dorian. Morgan looked at ease and even flirtatious with him. She wasn't surprised that she felt no jealousy about this. As she drew nearer to the two she saw Dorian was blushing. He practically jumped out of his chair when he saw her. "Ally?" He asked. She smiled fondly at the two. She had just started to get to know Dorian but she felt as if she could potentially have a relationship that resembled that which she share with Morgan.  Just then an idea came to mind.

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