Twenty Three

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Today everyone is traveling back to their clubs. We have a game against Wolfsburg to prepare for.

This morning i woke up, got changed and then went down for some breakfast.

After everyone was ready we all sat in the lobby, waiting for the bus to come and take us to the airport. I was sitting with Alexia and Mapi when Ona came over, and both girls death stared her.

"Can we talk?"
She asked me and i nodded, before giving both Alexia and Mapi reassuring looks.

I got up and followed Ona to a quiet area of the room, still in view of the others.

"What is it?"
I asked and she just looked down.

"I'm sorry"

"Yeah, well it's going to take more than an apology!"
I said, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall.

"Yeah, i know. But i don't want to leave with you hating me"

"I don't hate you. I didn't say that. We agreed to be civil and we are"
I said and she just nodded.

"Hooking up with Ella was a mistake. I don't like her, i promise"

"Look, Ona. I don't care if you do or don't. That's your choice, not mine"
I said calmly.

"Can we try again?"
She asked and i looked at her, sighing.

I replied and she stared at me.

She questioned.

"That's what i said. No"
I repeated.

"Why not?"

"Because i don't want to try again"
I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Because you're dating Mapi, aren't you?"

"No, i'm not dating Mapi"

"Well you chose her over me"

"Yeah, Ona. I did"

She said under her breath, and i heard.

"Excuse me? Why the fuck would i pick you after the shit you said to me?"
I said, slightly raising my voice.

"I said sorry"

"I don't care if you said sorry or not! You still said it"

"Why Mapi?"
She questioned.

"Because she makes me feel something i've never felt before"

"Did i not do that?"

"You made me happy, Ona. If that's what you want to hear. But you didn't make me feel the way she does"

"She's older than you"

"Yeah. And so are you"

"She's older than me"

"Leah is also older than you. This wasn't an argument when me and Leah dated"

"Mapi is older than Leah"

"By what? A year"

"One more chance, Aitana. Please"

"No, Ona. Me and you, we're over. It's over. Move on. Date Ella. Do whatever you want because this isn't happening"
I said, walking away.

I walked over to Alexia and Mapi, sitting in between them and Mapi looked at me.

"She asked you to try again didn't she?"
Mapi asked nervously.

"I'll let you two talk"
Alexia said, getting up and kissing my forehead before going to talk with the others.

"Yeah, that's exactly what she did"

"Did you say you would?"
She as,ed nervously.

"No. I said no"

"So you don't regret the choice you made?"
She asked with a sparkle in her eye.

"No, i don't. I think i've made the best choice possible. I've made my choice, Mapi. My choice won't change and i won't regret it. It's you. You're my person, okay?"
I said, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"I love you"
She whispered.

"I love you"
I said, quickly kissing her on the lips.

Alexia's pov

I walked away from Mapi and Aitana and stood with Leila. I looked back over and saw Mapi and Aitana smiling and then i saw them quickly kiss.

She seems so happy with Mapi. And i can't lie, they're adorable.

As they kissed i saw Ona roll her eyes, so i stood up and walked away from Leila. I walked over to Ona and pulled her aside.

"Leave it"
I said as soon as i pulled her aside.

"Leave what?"

"Them. Aitana has made her decision and she chose Mapi. Whether you want to admit it or not, they're cute. Mapi is heads over heels for Aitana and Aitana feels the same way. I get the way it happened sucks, but you hooked up with Ella so you're not innocent here. Maybe you've not moved on, but she has and that's the way it is. It sucks, Ona. But it's life. Leave her alone. She's happy. Let her be happy. Let her be happy with Mapi"

"When they break up she will come back to me"
Ona said and i just looked at her.

"No, Ona. She won't. Her and Mapi, first of all aren't even dating. And second of all, they're meant to be. Move on, Ona. It's over"
I said, walking away from the Manchester United defender.

End of pov

I was cuddling with Mapi until the bus came. We then said goodbye to our teammates and headed home. We got the bus to Glasgow Airport and from there flew to Barcelona. I sat beside Patri on the flight and caught her up on my life.

Once we got back we had to go to the facilities for a recovery session as we played yesterday. When we arrived everyone was already there, so we started to work on recovery stuff.

Once i was finished i went up to Caro who was with Marta and Lieke.

"I hooked up with Mapi"
I whispered and their mouths all fell open.

Marta yelled in disbelief and i just nodded, laughing.

"I thought you were dating that Spanish defender girl?"
Lieke asked slightly confused.

"They broke up after the game against Real Madrid in the first leg"
Caro said to Lieke.

"Ohh, got it now"
She said.

"Turns out you weren't too scared after all"
Caro laughed and so did i.

"And turns out i was right. AGAIN"
Marta said, making us all laugh.

"So was it a one time thing or do you actually like her?"
Lieke asked.

"Well she likes me and i like her. And before you ask, yes she knows"

"Way to go, kid!"
Lieke said, high fiving me.

"Kids making moves"
Caro said, ruffling my hair.

"Neck tattoo it is"
Marta said and i laughed again.

I stayed with those three girls for the majority of the day. We just caught up.

After our session was finished we ate and then everyone went home.

Me and Alexia watched a movie and then watched some of the Premier League highlights before calling it a night and going to bed.

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