•Chapter 5

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(Clara's POV)
I yawned for the fifth time while going through the files that were due tomorrow. Most of the time in the office was spent getting Mr Nathan Brooks acquainted with his work. Whatever bit was left I could just complete one file.

Damn. I have three pending.

Just when I was about to doze off, my phone rang. I quickly attended to it while getting up from my seat. This way probably I would be awake.

"Hi, Ashley. What's taking you so long?" I asked.

"Hi. I'll be late today. I'm caught up with a photoshoot." She sighed.

"It's ok. Don't get stressed." I tried to cheer her up.

"Yeah. I'm trying not to panic. We have so much work left to do." She fake cried.

"Don't worry, you got this girl. You are gonna do fine"

"Hope so." Someone called her from behind and she yelled "coming!"

"I'll hang up then. Busy lady." I chuckled.

"Bye," she sang before the line went silent.

I sighed looking up at my laptop screen and jotting down the information. I'll have to check the customer preference before I finish these three files. It's gonna take me hours to complete it.

I grabbed a pencil, marking a few mistakes on the file. Just then the doorbell rang.

Who could it be at such odd hours? Ashley wouldn't be coming anytime soon. I didn't have any other visitors. So I was taken aback when the doorbell rang again.

"Coming" I called out before putting my hair up in a low bun with the help of the pencil.

I unlocked the door and pushed it open, just enough to look at the person.

"Hey. I hoped you weren't asleep yet. Guess I'm not late." Nathan stood, holding his laptop in his hand.

"What are you doing here? That to so late?"

"I had a doubt. The files which you sent me are so messed up. I tried going through stuff but some things just swooped over my head." He said sheepishly.

"Let me see" I glanced at his screen.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

"Yeah." I pushed open the door allowing him to enter and locked it behind us.

He got seated on the couch while looking through the files on his screen.

"So what's your doubt?" I asked, eager to get this over faster so that I can work on my files.

"Here. I don't get this pre-season sales report. Brief me about it" he placed the laptop on my lap.

"That's so simple. Why wouldn't you understand that?"

"Come on Clara. I didn't sign up to get into marketing. I wanted to get into modelling. I literally feel like a fish out of water. But I have bills and rent to pay. So I have to get my shit together no matter what." He shrugged.

"Don't tell me you aren't into marketing" I was practically shocked. Mr Williams cannot just drag anybody to replace George.

"I have taken up courses in marketing and I have learnt business. Just that I'm not into it. My passion doesn't lie in it. I'm passionate about modelling and I wish to achieve it."

I hummed in approval. Now, what can I say? I mean it sucks to do jobs in which your heart doesn't lie.

I explained his doubt while he listened to me intently. He noted down the points in his mini pocket diary. While he was going through the rest of the work, I got my files to finish the pending work.

"You haven't slept yet. Why is that so?" He asked.

"I have three freaking files to finish and guess what, it's due tomorrow" I sighed in frustration. I opened the file, going through it. I wanted to mark a point so I looked for my pencil. I shuffled the pages and looked everywhere.

"What are you looking for?" He questioned.

"My pencil" I mumbled looking under the table.

He placed his laptop on the table and got up. I looked at him in confusion. He took a step toward me. Standing directly in front of me. He leaned forward to my eye level.

His eyes twinkled in amusement as he leaned closer.

"Nathan" I called out being confused.

He reached behind me, pulling out the pencil that was tucked in my hair. My hair fell cascading down.

"Here," he placed it on my palm.

"Thanks" I mumbled.

While I was working on the files he went through the other files.

"Can I help? However, I'm your work partner so I'll have to lend a hand. This way maybe we can get this over soon" he suggested.

I felt it wasn't a bad idea. We both worked on the files for the next few hours and to be honest, he was good at his work. We sorted the customer preference and made the sales report. Within no time we completed two of the files.

He cracked his knuckles while flexing his muscles. He had a wonderful physique. His body-hugging black V-neck wasn't helping much in covering his abs. His biceps were toned. He sure damn worked out often.

"Coffee break?" He looked with pleading eyes.

"No. It's midnight. You wouldn't be able to sleep then."

"We have still work to do." He whined.

"It's just a file. We can finish it in no time. I can't let you disrupt your sleep." I shrugged.

"Fine" he huffed like an angry kid who was denied to eat sweets.

"I can offer fruit juice instead." I got out two chilled cans from the fridge.

"That would do" he grabbed one of the cans and popped it open, gulping the contents in a go.

We both continued to do the work and I felt my eyes droop. I was so exhausted that my eyelids felt heavy. I rested my head on his shoulder and passed out. I don't know how long was I like that because I felt his head rest upon mine. Maybe even he fell asleep.

We would have continued sleeping if we weren't woken by the doorbell. I groaned shifting in my sleep, finding the position uncomfortable. He stirred and got up, rubbing his eyes.

"Clara." He gently patted my cheek.

"Hmm," I slurred.

"Someone is at the door. Wake up" He chuckled. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Huh?" I sat upright.

Things are gonna spice up <3

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