•Chapter 2

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(Nathan's POV)
"Sucks to be you. I mean how often do you change places? You hardly lasted a month at your previous apartment" David complained while moving a carton box from the truck.

"Not my fault that the landlord wanted me to vacate. Who knew her nephew would arrive and she wanted that place for him." I scoffed.

"Everything happens for a reason. Since your landlord kicked you out, you found a place nearer to your office." He shrugged.

"By the way have they said you anything about your job?" He placed the final box from the truck while I paid the driver.

"Not yet. I have placed my resume to be a model so let's see how things go about"

"I'm glad you got your dream job. By the way, when are you gonna start?" We both walked to the elevator while I took out the house keys from my pocket.

"I'm planning to start tomorrow" I answered before reaching our floor.  Several boxes were lying in front of my house which I had to open and organise. There was a football in one of the boxes and David found it amusing to juggle.

"Look at this" he tried to do tricks and failed horribly.

"Let me show you" I took the ball and juggled it. Sometimes on my head and then on my knees before the ball rolled off and hit the neighbour's door with a bang.

"Shit!" David exclaimed and ran to a corner, leaving me all alone.

Before I could escape, the door opened and the person took the ball in her hand.

I wasn't gonna lose the football so I mustered the courage to confront her.

"Hello. Can I get my football back?" I smiled trying to win her with my charm. But she was a tough one.

Her eyes were dark black as if little pieces of the night sky were fitted into her eye sockets. They were mysterious, yet cold. They had no hint of emotions. Her cheeks were damp as though she had cried just a while ago. Her rosy lips parted and she spoke, "Is this the place to play football? Don't you think it would disturb the neighbours?" She raised her brows.

"I'm sorry. I'm new here. Just shifted a while ago." I shrugged.

She eyed me and then the boxes lined at my doorstep.

"By the way, I'm Nathan Brooks. Your new neighbour." I extended my hand for a handshake but she didn't budge.

"Here take it" she tossed the ball and I caught it easily. Before I could say anything further, she closed the door.

"Whoa! Seems like someone got a rude neighbour" David came out of his hiding place.

Rude? Interesting.

"Says who? You left me all alone to get the ball. How sweet of you" I said sarcastically.

He gave an embarrassed smile before placing the ball in the box. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, placing the keys on the table.

This house needs a lot of dusting.

"Don't tell me you are living all alone in this huge house. This house could accommodate two persons easily."

"Well, I'm assuming most of the time you are gonna hang out here so let's count you in" I patted his back.

"That's amazing. I'll hang my photography here. Place a few photo frames on the table." He pointed at the empty wall.

David is a professional photographer. His works are commendable. But filling my house with photographs doesn't seem like a good idea.

"Calm down. That's like too much decoration. I'll take only one photo frame. "

"That would do. I'll give you my best click. Now, let's get your place together." He said while dusting the couch.

I thought of arranging the closet later. We began with my big pile of books. Though I don't look like a person who loves books, I love reading. It's a true joy and I love cherishing each moment of it.

I placed all the books on the shelves while David handed them to me. By noon we were both done and decided to grab lunch.

"I have heard that there is a restaurant nearby that serves amazing food." He said while washing his hands.

"Yeah. They call it Foodies."

"Shall we try it?"

"Yeah. That sounds great."

We both went to the restaurant which was just a walk away. The place was crowded but we managed to find seats.

"I guess this place is quite famous. I should have got my camera to click pictures" he sighed while flicking through the menu.

I looked around trying to spot the waiter but my eyes landed on her. The same mysterious neighbour. She was sitting with whom I assume to be her friend. Her friend was busy clicking pictures of the dish while she sucked the life out of an empty juice can.

"What are you looking at?" David asked before his eyes fell on her table. "See, people here are clicking pictures while I'm not" he sulked.

"Damn. You can't stay without your camera for even a second" I laughed.

He looked at their table again and squinted his eyes. "Isn't she that same neighbour whom you met earlier? But who is with her?"

"Yeah, it's her. The other one might be her friend" I finally spotted the waiter and signalled him to take our order.

"Is it your treat?" David eyed me suspiciously.

"Yeah. The bill is on me" I chuckled. "Consider it as a Thank You for helping me move in."

"Then I'll have a hamburger with a bucket of fries and coke" David placed his order.

"I'll have a pizza" I placed my order before looking at her. She was now giggling while stabbing the pasta with her fork. Her friend tried to click a picture of her and she quickly covered her face with her hands, slightly peeking between her fingers.


"Here is your order" the waiter served us with a smile and hurried back to attend to other orders.

"Yum... The food is really delicious. " David spoke with a mouthful.

"Yeah. Beautiful" I took a bite of the pizza slice.

"You don't call food beautiful" He gave an offended look.

"I mean this pizza is delicious." I corrected myself.

Is it kinda love at first sight? Hehe ;)

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