•Chapter 3

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(Clara's POV)
"Five minutes" I called out before taking some concealer and applying it on my bruise. This would surely hide it but I couldn't do so with the scar.

Ashley had bandaged it yet I could feel the pain. Like several knives poking. I resorted to the last option which was to wear a coat that covered my arms.

I grabbed a brown coat from my closet and wore it. While gathering my stuff a photograph fell from the drawer.

I slowly picked it up, my eyes filling with tears.

"Clara, how long are you gonna take? I have to drive us to the office. We can't be late" she stormed in and saw me with the photo.

"Where did you get this?" She snatched the picture from my hand.

"It was in that drawer" I pointed.

"I made sure to eliminate all his photos. I wonder how this came here." She scoffed looking at the picture.

It was a picture of me and my ex-boyfriend Brett. I guess it was taken during one of our beachside dates. The picture was cute. I was resting my head on his shoulder while he posed for the picture. And obviously, the photographer was Ashley. Everything was going well until he decided to cheat.

"Any idea how it ended up there?" She asked suspiciously.

"Maybe I might have kept it there," I said trying to get the photo back.

"No. Ms Clara Herrington, you aren't getting this photo back. This is gonna go straight into the trash can. Understand?"

I just hummed in response. I wanted to get rid of his memories. I tried my best to forget him. But some things are hard to forget. Some memories are hard to let go of.

"Clara. It's high time you move on" she crushed the picture and threw it in the trash.

"What do you mean?" I asked while taking a few files that were on my table and shoving them into my bag.

"You should find someone else. You deserve better. Someone who isn't as much as a dick as that bastard Brett. "

"What guarantee do you have that the person wouldn't cheat like how Brett did? That he wouldn't break my heart?"

"Love is all about giving a chance and I'm sure the right person will not hurt you. The right person will love you no matter what." She patted my back.

"Let's see. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet. It's gonna come when it is meant to" I shrugged.


"Ashley," I said in a mocking tone.

"Remember one thing. It's said that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone"

"So you mean I should find a guy and date him just to forget Brett?"

"I'm just saying give yourself a chance. Keep your options open."

"Ok. I might as well listen to you" I chuckled heading out of the house.

Ashley drove us to the office since we both work at the same place. She is one of the best photographers in our company.

"Wait a moment. Let me park the car" she said while I got off in front of the main door.

After a few minutes, Ashley stood beside me and we both swiped our IDs at the entrance.

"I have a hell lot of photoshoots today" she scoffed while we got into the elevator.

"Best of luck with it," I said while she got down on the first floor.

I went to the second floor where the marketing unit worked. I placed my bag on the table and checked the emails. There wasn't much to do, so I quickly segregated them and started drafting the contract I was working on. I glanced at my partner's table which was empty.

Usually, it would be occupied by George. He was my work partner and we used to split up all the work that was given to us. But he seemed to be missing.

Did he perhaps quit?

I shouldn't be having such thoughts. George loved his job and he was great at it. Why would he quit?

"Ms Herrington. The boss wants you to be present in his cabin" Stacy, who was Mr William's assistant announced.

"Yeah. Will be there in a minute" I said before closing the file and placing it on my table.

I had completed all my work way before the deadlines then why was I being called to Mr William's office?

I knocked gently on the door before entering.

"Hello, Ms Herrington."

"Hello Mr William" I smiled.

"I have called you here to give bad news. Your Co-Worker George decided to quit since he was going abroad for his higher studies. I'm afraid that's gonna land you with extra work but don't worry we will find a replacement soon." He said.

"It's ok. I can manage. If there's nothing else then can I leave?" I asked.

"Yes. You may go now."

I walked out of the cabin and straight away went to the coffee room. Amazing. Fucking amazing. I would have extra work to do. I don't think my life can get any better.

I made myself a cup of coffee with an extra spoon of sugar. It was highly needed to rejuvenate and get me working. I wonder how long would it take them to find a replacement.

I got back to my table and went through all the files. I had four of them due the very next day.

Fuck my life. This is going to be so much harder than I thought. I began working on the first file and halfway through it Ashley came in.

"Hello. You look Busy. Where is George?"

"He quit and I'm left with all the work."

"Can I help?" She asked while placing a file of photographs on my table.

"It's ok. I can finish it. By the way, what are these?" I asked pointing at the photographs.

"These photos are from the recent photoshoot we had for the sale. I was asked to give it to you"

"Oh. Thanks." I smiled before the smile dropped when Stacy came in.

Bitch. Not again.

"Clara. Come to the cabin", Stacy said not even bothered about the formalities.

"Yeah. Coming" I called out after her.

"Let's see what more work awaits " I huffed.

Damn. Ex sucks. Be it best friend or boyfriend. -_-

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