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I woke up at 6:00 in the morning, but I felt like sleeping in. Before I went back to sleep, I noticed that Luka was sleeping with his head on my bed and he was holding my hand. I smiled at the sight, but then he started to wake up. I instantly closed my eyes, but had them open slightly so I could see. He pulled my hand to his lips and kisses it softly so he wouldn't wake me up, then stood up and put my makeshift bed that he slept on away.

"Hey, wake up sleepy head." Luka said as he gently shook my shoulder.

"5 more minutes..." I mumbled as I pulled the covers over me.

"No, we need to do a morning patrol. Now get up." he said as he pulled the covers away.

"And what if I don't?" I said with my eyes half lidded and a grin.

His face turned pink. "I'll make ya, now stop lookin at me like that." he said, looking away.

I got up and we went out for the morning patrol with Carla and Kat. As we were walking, we ran into a few entities, so we took care of them. We saved a few wanderers and even saved a few of the members, not from entities, but from almost falling down a hole when Kat tripped. This was our daily routine for a month. Wake up, morning patrol, hang out for the whole day, evening patrol, then go to sleep. Carla's missing arm never bothered her, Luka was still as stubborn as ever, and Kat... Well she's... She's just Kat. But one day on patrol, we ran into a door that we've never seen before.

"What's that?" Kat asked.

"It's a cool invention called a door." Luka said sarcasticly.

"Well no shit, but we've been down here before and we've never seen this, plus, it's a grey metal door, it doesn't go with this level at all." Kat said.

"Why don't we open it? We won't go in, but just look inside." I suggested.

"No way, it seems too dangerous. What if an entity is behind that door? It would kill you in an instant." Carla said.

"Then here." I tied a rope around my waist. "If there is an entity, just pull on the rope to get me away faster, plus the material the rope is made out of won't hurt me when you pull on it. I'll be fine." I said as I handed the other end to the group.

I slowly open the door, but it's dark. I get closer and realize that there's a hole, but the time I realized was too late. I already fell. The group held onto the rope to make sure I didn't fall to the bottom, but then I told them to lower me down. As they lowered me down, it looked like it was another level, but I didn't know what it was. I told them to pull me up, and they did.

"So?" Luka said in anticipation.

"It looks like another level, but I can't tell which one." I answered.

"What did it look like?" Carla asked.

"It looked like a background you'd find on an old computer, kinda like Dreamcore." I responded.

"Oh, that's level 94! It's my favorite level." Kat said. "But that doesn't make any sense, it's a dangerous level, why would Kitty send us here?"

"He isn't." I said. Everyone looked at me. "He's not the one sending us here, the level is. We can get out of this level by giving Kitty our cute item, or exit right here I guess. But Kitty's way is safer, although we will be separated, but this way we can all stay together."

"Sooo are we leaving here or staying?" Carla asked.

"Let's stay here, we don't know much about this level and I want to find out more." I said as I shut the door.

We left the room and went back to the bar.
We were all talking about our missions and stories from the real world, but I was lost in thought.

"Hey, you ok Luna?" Carla asked, sounding concerned.

"I think I'm going to go in there." I responded.

"HELL NO." Luka snapped.

"Hell yes! As much as I love this level, I want to go home! I don't want to be stuck here anymore in the backrooms!" I yelled.

"How do you think we feel?! We've been here the longest!" Luka shouted.

"I don't care how long you all have been here! I want to get out of here!" I snapped at him.


"WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH?!" I yelled back at him.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ALRIGHT--?!" Luka screamed, then covered his mouth as his face turned a dark red. My eyes went wide and the room went quiet.

"I KNEW IT!" Kat yelled with a big smile on her face.

"Ooh~" Carla teased while nudging his arm with her elbow.


I grinned and said, "There's no point in hiding it now."

He went quiet and everyone was staring at him, then he looked down at the floor and finally admitted, "Alright fine, I admit it. I love you a lot, Luna. Are you happy now?"

"NOW KISS!" Kat screamed, then Luka punched her in the arm.

"How long did you like her?" Carla asked.

"Since the Skin Stealer attack... When I gave her a hug after scolding her for not moving." Luka said quietly.

"DAMN SO BASICALLY LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!" Kat yelled with excitement.

"SHUT UP!" Luka yelled at her.


While Kat and Luka were yelling, I smiled and said, "I love you too dumbass."

Luka quit yelling and turned to me. "W-what did you just say?"

I grinned. "You heard me."

He stood there in shock and confusion while Carla and Kat squeeled. Then suddenly, Kat grabbed Luka and pushed Luka towards me and kept chanting, "KISS KISS KISS KISS!" Luka turned his head to yell at her, but I turned his face to me and kissed him. I felt him pull me closer and heard Kat and Carla scream with excitement.

When we pulled away, Luka eyes went wide and he covered his mouth. "Oh my god did I really just do that...? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

I shook my head and smiled. His face went red and Kat kept teasing him as he kept snapping at her. Carla was snickering and so was I.

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