The Death Rangers

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I took the glitter and attached it onto my fanny pack with tape. I was starting to get hungry, so I went to the kitchen to make a snack. I made some greasy marshmallows and felt like someone was behind me. I thought it was Kitty, but it was a person.

"You're not gonna eat all of those by yourself, are you?" they said in a jokingly manner. It was a girl who looked to be in her late 20's. "I'm Carla!" she said.

"I'm Luna-- wait, you're not an entity, are you?" I asked.

"Not the last time I checked." she laughed. "Nice to meet you Luna! It's nice to see another face around here."

"Is there anyone else?" I say popping a greasy marshmallow into my mouth.

"Oh yeah! There's 2 other people. Their names are Luka and Kat. Luka is 23, Kat's 19, and I'm 28. I'm kinda like the mom of the group."

"Oh, I'm 20." I say.

"Cool! Wanna join our group? We came up with the name, The Death Rangers, since we  kill a lot of dangerous entities. "

I hesitated for a second. I don't know this woman and she already wants to be friends, but at the same time, they could protect me.

"Sure, I'm in." I said. "But I have one question."

"Ask away!" she said.

"Are you trying to kill Kitty?"

Carla looked at me wide eyed. "Oh god no! He's not dangerous that we know of. Plus, he's never really around." Thank god for that.

"Cmon, I'll take you to the club room." she said as she took my hand.

She led me to the bar that I went to earlier, but this time there was people.

"Ooh, a new member I'm guessing?" Kat said excitedly.

"Well no shit it's a new member, why the hell would Carla bring in a random person?" Luka said as he smacked the back of Kat's head.

"Hi, I'm Luna." I said. They both waved and introduced themselves.

"Yo KitKat, could you got food? I'm starvin." Lula said.

"KitKat?" I said.

"Yeah, I call her KitKat. I give everyone nicknames. For example, Carla is Carcar." Luka said with a smirk as Carla glared at him.

"Luka's nickname that we gave him is Lazy Luke, just in case he makes you mad." Carla whispered to me with a grin.

"Let's see... Your name is Luna, but I can't think of any nicknames for your name. But you are pretty cute, so how about doll face?" Luka said with a smug grin.

"Hell no." I snapped.

"Doll face it is." Luka mumbled under his breath with a smirk as he looked away.

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