Chapter 17

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What the bloody hell?

I can't believe my eyes right now. What the hell am I seeing? My best friend for 3-4 years is someone I didn't even know. Did I ever even knew him? What is happening?!

"Yes. I'm sorry you had to learn it this way."

"But how is it possible? How can you be a rogue and yet be in my pack all these years? I can't I-I-"

"I've masked my scent and I'm sorry but I got close to you on purpose, to make an alliance, to try and get a home. For me. For my people."

My brows furrow in confusion. What does he mean by his people? What is he talking about?

"What people?"

"The group of rogues I lead. They all have been discarded from their packs, some were kicked out and some lost their packs, families. Some left. We all are one family and we wanted a home in the largest pack to ever exist. We've been trying for a while, and I was waiting to give the proposal till you became the Alpha."

I'm literally in shock. I can't believe my ears. I have been decieved all this time and couldn't even catch it? How am I suppose to be an Alpha and protect my pack when I have been a biggest fool myself? My steps falter and I feel a single salty tear roll down my cheek, brushing the saltiness past my lips.

Bruce looks down at his feet, guilt and shame plastered across his face.

When I remain silent, he attempts to approach me but my hand flies up and I stop him, squeezing my eyes shut.

"As you can see how irresponsible of an Alpha I am. I'm not someone you all should rely on to. I'm sorry." I hate how pathetic I sound, and how my voice cracks. "I'm not capable enough."

I wipe at my eyes and turn around, running off to where my car is. Everyone has already heard our conversation over the comms by now. They must already know how oblivious I have been and how easy it is to ditch me, fool me. And here I was thinking to be the next Alpha, an intelligent girl.

Mom was right. She was always right.


Steve's POV

It's been a week since Nat has learned about Bruce. And she has isolated herself ever since. She won't even let me inside. Alpha Romanoff has been so worried that he called me as he knew we are good friends.

I wish he knew we are mates.

Yelena and Maria have been on constant contact with me, but with much less information about Nat's well being. I'm getting worried as Stephan is growing restless by the days.

Especially today. It's my coronation day. I'm gonna be the Alpha and the ceremony will be held tonight. I want my mate by my side tonight. At all costs.

On the other hand, I can't force her to come.

All my senses are craving her touch, to inhale her alluring odor, wanting her smell to invade all of my privacy and engulf me in it. I'm, in one word, going crazy.

"She's fine. I feel her fine, just upset. Upset than anything on earth, but you have to get ready and be down now. Our ceremony's about to start." Stephan comforts me.

I exhale shakily then finally tie my suit, looking at myself in the mirror one last time.

I wish you were here with me now, Nat. I miss you. And I love you.

When I'm about to head out the door, losing all my hope to see her tonight, my phone pings and I grab it to see a text from none other than my mate.

A happy smile breaks on my face as I open it.

'Meet me at our forest cabin after your coronation.'

With a giddy feeling inside of my stomach and a thudding heart, I put the phone back in my pocket and finally head out the door. Ready to embrace the responsibility about to come, to accept the position I was born to drawn to.

To find myself. With a excitement in heart.


All the people stay quite as the ceremony begins. My parents, brothers, the pack elder, a shaman and I are present on the stage while others seat on their chairs.

There's a clay bowl on the round table with the moon symbol on it. The elder takes my hand and dad's hand, holding them both, closing her eyes and looking up at the beaming moon.

"Tonight we all gather for a precious journey to begin." She starts with her eyes still closed.

I see mom sniffling while Buck comforts her and Peter looks at me with respect and adoration in his childlike eyes. I softly smile at them.

"Tonight we become stronger, tonight we bound ourselves to the next generation..."

The ceremony goes on and I find myself thinking about Nat.

Her emerald eyes, her scent, her long gracious red hair. My mind keeps defeating me into thinking more about her and I feel goosebumps rise over my skin, as if her presence has been lurking around me, as if her existence is near me, igniting my soul and heart.

My head frantically whips around but I don't see her. Her aroma hugs me closely, and my whole body shakes.

I wince when I feel my hand sting. The final act has been started. Elder Joans has cut my hand and dad's, every pair of eyes are on me. I look at dad with puzzled eyes then realize it's time.

Both of our cut hands shake as we hold our joined hands above the bowl, our blood dripping in it. As the first drop hits the bowl, the moom symbol starts to glow brightly, and a soft wind starts blowing, doubling the intensity of the atmosphere.

All of our eyes close in an auto response and we let our Goddess do the rest of the work, elder Joans mumbling some mantra under her breath.

When the symbol gets hidden by our blood we pull apart and are handed two napkins to wrap our wounds with.

"Take care of our legacy, son." Dad says with a hint of proudness in his eyes. I nod at him with a blink of my eyes.

We all stay silent for a moment, untill a huge gash of wind hits us, showering us in the blessing of nature and everyone gasps, their eyes flashing the color of their wolves' eyes.

My own eyes flash yellow, I feel my body vibrate as the moonlight casts upon my whole being.

Elder Joans turns to me and bows down, her own eyes glowing with sincerity.

"All hail to Alpha Steven Grant Rogers."

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