04. Zenin Manor

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—— "Y/N where were you, Noaya came calling"

The girl glanced over as she shrugged off her jacket.

"Did he leave a message?"

"Do you think he'd be the type to write a note?"

Her sister responded dryly, Y/N tilted her head.

"Then why was he here?"

"He wants lunch, some things to talk about"

At this, her blood ran cold. Of course, the Zenin wouldn't forget about her little mishap, he was going to punish her. Yet there wasn't a thing she could do about it.

If a Zenin told you to jump, you only asked how high.

And if a meal was going to cost her, she'd just have to suck it up and pay for her mistake.


"Mr.Nanami said there'd be a field trip"


"To the museum"

Toji looked up, Megumi was sitting across from him, his little hand wrapped around the fork that hovered between his mouth and plate.

"Why are you telling me this"

Megumi frowned.

"Can you sign my permission slip"

"Where's this museum"

Megumi kicked his feet, an awkward silence, Toji raised an eyebrow, waiting.


"I can't hear you"

Megumi ducked his head, mumbling a little louder.

"Near the Zenin manor"

At this Tojis brows furrowed.

"You know what I said about that place"

"Yeah but it's just a class field trip, it's not like we're going into the building"

Toji leaned forward, and Megumi stared intently into his bowl. This was the first time he had ever eaten his food without complaint. Toji had seen the way his eyes had lit up at the sight of the restaurant bag sitting in the fridge.

"What's so bad about that manor anyways"

"Megumi, you know what they did to your sister"

At this Megumi froze. He set down his fork

"I'm not hungry anymore"


The little boy pushed away from the table, his face scrunched up.


Y/N stared at her plate, Naoya had been talking for the last few minutes, it had been less awkward than she had anticipated.

He had said something about pressing charges and taking care of the restaurant.

"Y/N you haven't touched your food is it not to your liking"

She glanced up at the servant filling her glass, a short stocky nameless man. But he wasn't the one who had spoken.

She turned back to Naoya.

"No, it's fine, I ate before I came"

"Women are so finicky, don't you agree"

The girl froze, his voice was testy, chilled deliberately in a way that hinted at both a challenge and a warning.

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