02. Mac & cheese

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———"Y/N! You're all wet"
The girl collapsed into her mother's arms sobbing.

The woman didn't respond for a couple of seconds, gently stroking her H/C hair.

"My poor poor baby was that Zenin boy horrible to you"

Y/N sat up wiping her eyes, however, her mother pushed her hands away, gently patting the corner of her sleeve against her face before pulling her back in again for a warm embrace.

"There there"

"You threw up all over that dick's shoes! I should have taken a picture!"

A crow from the door and she looked up, eyes red as she sniffled.

It was her older brother Fuji.

His tie was loose around his neck and he was in his socks, sliding across the floor when he heard her slam into the family home.

This earned him a laugh from her, her goofy older brother could make her smile so easily.

While Mio, her younger sister, was stubborn and fierce, Fuji was soft and kind. Two dynamics that were not accepted in the Zenin household. They preferred their men big and assertive and their women obedient lapdogs.

Y/N was a mix of her siblings, which was why she had offered herself up. If Mio had gone she would have been abused, but Y/N was smart enough to know when to keep her mouth shut, but could also withstand her streak of stubbornness.

Y/N could probably chop off Naoya's dick and make it look like an accident. She was betting on it.

That idea made a smile flit across her lips.

"What did that creep do to you"

Mio pushed past Fuji and was about to lunge forward to hug Y/N but the girl ducked away knowing the younger girl would be looking for bruises or marks.

"I just probably ate something bad, that was all"

A white lie. She inhaled.

"I kinda wanna lie down...if that's okay"

"I'll draw you a bath"

Her mother stood shuffling out, Fuji said something about making her dinner while dragging a protesting Mio away.

Y/N was grateful for the silence. She touched her forehead.

The rustle of the heavy jacket reminded her she was still wearing it carefully; she took it off, her mind flitting back to the man who had given it to her.

He hadn't even known her name but he had given her the jacket off of his back. It was a nice one too.

She had to give it back.

Y/N  brought it up to her nose before wrinkling her nose and jerking away gagging.

It smelled like fire, smoke, and sweat.

And she thought she smelled foul.

With one hand she reached into the pocket, searching for any clue about the owner. When she flipped over the logo on the back,that was all she needed.



"Hot dogs...again"

"I couldn't get groceries again, no time"

Toji grumbled, slapping down the plate before sitting heavily on the chair.

It squeaked in annoyance. It always did but he always sat down to make sure the boy across from him always ate everything on his plate.

He wasn't sure if it was just his imagination or not, but it seemed like he was getting skinnier lately.

"Megumi. Eat"

The boy stared down at it, he looked back up at his father.

"I want Mac and cheese"

"There are starving children, you want me to throw you out on the streets? Cause I will''

"Maybe they'll have Mac and cheese there"

Toji's eye twitched.

"What is it with you and Mac and cheese"

"Yuuji's mom makes good Mac and cheese"

"I'm not Yuuji's mom"

Megumi stared at him blatantly.

"Of course not, she's good at cooking"

That was it, he made a grab at the smaller boy but he wiggled out of his grasp jumping from his chair.

But Toji already had him scooped him off of his feet holding him upside down by the ankles.

The boy squealed, begging for mercy and he set him down with a grumble.

"Now go, eat"

Megumi complied, picking himself off of the floor with a giggle before sitting himself down in front of his food. The boy picked up the hot dog bun and proceeded to daintily nibble on  it.

Toji rolled his eyes.

He did this every day. It was the smallest amount of time they had together. After this Megumi would go to his room to work on schoolwork and Toji would try to destress.

He was used to it.

They were used to it. It was what it was, and how it would be until it wouldn't.

Until Megumi grew old enough to take care of himself, then he'd go off to college and have a better life, and it would just be him alone in this small rickety apartment. Toji had no qualms with this.

"Where's your jacket"

Toji glanced up, he was rummaging through the fridge.

He didn't answer, turning his attention back to the little dingy light that flickered up at him weakly.

"Don't you need your uniform for work"

"I can get another one"

Silence, he took out a beer.

"You shouldn't drink that it's bad for you"

"Don't you have homework to do"

Toji grumbled and Megumi's eyes brightened. He launched himself off of his chair and the little black-haired boy skittered away to his room, leaving a quarter of his dinner untouched.

Toji let him go.

He was too busy thinking about the girl from earlier.

Smacking open the lid he let the drink rest at his lips.

She probably threw away the jacket, one of the snotty rich types.

He snorted, tilting back the glass and kicking his feet on the table.

Whoever she was, he hoped he'd never see her again.

Women like her only brought trouble, and he already had enough of it to go around.

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