Chapter 40: Insecure

Start from the beginning

~ Spencer's POV ~

When I arrived at the BAU, I was the last to arrive. I apologized profusely and Hotch just waved his hand, telling me not to worry about it. We debriefed in the office, there have been a string of murders of women in a gated community in New Mexico and we've been invited in by local law enforcement to investigate. Rossi and Hotch have brought in a new agent trainee from the academy to help us. I think she's in place of JJ but Rossi said it's so she can provide "a different perspective," whatever that means.
She seems nice enough. Her name is Ashley Seaver. I try to be kind and welcoming, how I would be to any new member of the team. I don't like that she's replacing JJ, even if Hotch won't call it that. I sit on the jet next to Hotch. Emily sits across from Hotch and Seaver sits next to Emily, in front of me. I'm assuming she is most likely just trying to be near the only other woman present on the team at the moment. Emily probably makes her feel more comfortable than any of the rest of us men on the team. Especially after learning of her father's history before we left the BAU.
We sit on the semi long flight debriefing and discussing our thoughts so far. After the first hour and a half we all decide to take some time to ourselves to decompress before having to actively engage for possibly days straight. I hope we will make it home in time for Annie's birthday. I know we've been gone for weeks at a time before and I could easily rearrange all of the arrangements at the restaurant, but I really don't want Annie feeling alone and unloved for her birthday this year.
Seaver is scrolling on her phone with her AirPods in as Emily turns to me and asks "so have you made all the arrangements's birthday yet?" I smile brightly and nod to her. "Everything is coming along great and I don't think she suspects a thing." I say happily. Emily smiles and says "if you need any help with anything let me know." I smile gratefully and nod to her. I continue reading my book, the details of the case still swirling around in my head, distracting me.
We get set up in the model home of the community as our home base to conduct our investigations. Seaver seems to be more of a hindrance than a helper at this point. We are having to explain a lot of things to her in real time. Garcia has already teased me about her once, fully knowing I have a girlfriend, soon to be fiancée, at home waiting for me. As we are gathering all of our intel regarding the people in the community Seaver tries to ask me about the details of what her father did when he was actively murdering women. We were interrupted before I had to answer, thankfully.
At the community meeting she was helpful in narrowing down the suspects by looking at the families without pets. However, she did nearly get killed by the unsub when she ventured off on her own and didn't tell anybody. Thankfully she was okay and the only casualty of the whole interaction was the unsub. Seaver was pretty shaken up, understandably. After a while I get a FaceTime call from Annie so I stand up from my seat to find a more private area so I can talk to her and give her my full attention. I answer the call and say "hey, Annie, how has your night been?" She smiles at her screen and responds "pretty good! I got chores done around the house and then went to get Mexican with Alison and Killian. I just got back from dinner. How's the case?"
I scratch my head with my free hand and say "well good and bad. It was bad because there was another murder while we were here and the unsub was shot. It was good because we are already on the jet back home so I'll see you in a few hours." She beams happily at that. Out of nowhere I get bumped and drop my phone. I look up and realize it's Seaver. She picks up my phone and hands it to me. She apologizes "sorry, was just trying to find the bathroom." I give her a kind smile and nod, moving to find a different spot to stand now that she and I both would need more privacy.
Annie has an expression I've never seen before. She then asks me with a tension in her voice "who was that? That just picked up your phone?" I say "hmm? Oh that was just a new agent trainee who helped consult on this case. She was really helpful even though she almost died." Annie nods with still an odd expression across her face. She says "okay um what time do you think you'll be home?" I check my watch and look "probably around 10. You don't have to wait up for me." She gives a soft smile and says "tomorrow is Sunday, I have the day off. I'll wait up with Ryder for you to get home." I smile warmly and chuckle nervously. "Okay Annie I'll see you, soon, love you." I tell her. She has her normal smile back and says "I love you, too, see you soon," and hangs up.
A voice perks up from behind me "who was that?" I turn to see Seaver again and say "oh that was my girlfriend." A look of surprise and, I think, disappointment crosses her features. She asks "how long have you two been together?" I beam as I say "almost 9 months." She has a somewhat relieved expression as she says "oh so not long at all." I furrow my brow and say "well it feels like a lifetime. I never want to go back to life without her." Seaver's face falls and she says "Um anyway Emily said you would probably have a book I could borrow for the rest of the plane ride? I just need to get my mind off of all of this and my phone just isn't cutting it. I would've packed a book but I had to pack in such a hurry that I forgot."
I give her a small smile and nod. I pull out a couple books and let her pick one. She sits back down next to Emily and I go to sit next to Morgan instead of my original seat. Morgan raises an eyebrow at me. I ask him "what?" He just shrugs and says "you need to be careful, pretty boy." I'm confused and ask "what do you mean?" Morgan turns his gaze to Seaver before turning to me and says "little miss daddy issues over there has the hots for you. It's obvious. Now I know you probably haven't noticed, but if you don't want any issues at work or in your relationship you need to be careful and professional."
I shrug it off and turn to read my book. I love Annie and this new girl doesn't change that at all. Annie shouldn't feel threatened by her. I'm planning to ask her to marry me in less than a week. She has nothing to worry about. I continue reading my book before ultimately deciding to take a nap before having to drive back home once the plane lands. I happily think about how I will get to spend the night with Annie tonight and not in an uncomfortable hotel bed.

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