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y/n's father is the leader of a mafia gang called the black widow making y/n the next leader of their gang. However, before y/n becomes the new leader, her father, the current leader wants to form an alliance with their rival gang. The sharingang (I couldn't think of a better name so sorry 😭) which also has non-uchiha members.

now about y/n

y/n is 17 years old when she turns 21 she will become the leader. she has a younger sister who is 12 years old her younger sister goes to a boarding school so they don't see each other often. But she loves her sister a lot .

her personality

y/n is a quiet girl, she is straight forward with whatever she says but she thinks before speaking. At times, she can be really blunt. despite her blunt personality, y/n is really respectful towards her elders. y/n is also really patient and can read situations quickly. she is a really caring person she often doesn't admit it or let anyone find out (if yk what I mean). Although y/n is a smart girl, she is pretty stupid when it comes to figurative language like when someone is trying to give her a hint.

author: I will leave it up to you guys to chose what she wears only because if I had the choice, I would make her really emo. Sorry if her personality is kinda weird I based her personality off of mine. heh 😅anyways I hope you guys enjoy this story!

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