𝐆𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠.

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Marcy walked into the classroom and took a seat at her desk as the teacher began to speak. As usual, they all sat next to each other. It was always easy for them to be together, they always found away to get together. Or, they could just have Sasha do it for them. Sasha was the type to always get what she wanted no matter what it was, sometimes she even gets the three to work together for school projects. Nobody ever knows what she does or says but the teacher always ends up looking traumatized after. But heck, it pays off does it?

As the teacher was talking, Marcy suddenly see's a small crumbled up paper being placed in front of her. Marcy reached out to grab the small paper and began to open it up. She looked down at the paper and scanned it to see the senders name, Anne.

'God, what's she up to now?' Marcy thought.

Marcy raised an eyebrow as she began to read what to paper said. 'Hey mar-mar :DD'

Marcy reached into her bag and pulled out a big loose leaf paper and ripped a small piece off of it. She grabbed a pencil and began to write on the piece of paper she had ripped off. When she was done writing, she had  crumbled up the note and passed it to Anne, Who was right next to her. Anne grabbed the piece of paper, opened it up, and began to read what was written to her. 'Anne! Can't you see I'm trying to focus here!? How am I going to help you with your work if you aren't letting me learn!? -.-'

Marcy heard Anne let out a small chuckle after she had read the paper. Sasha took notice of the chuckle and turned her head to face them with her eyebrow raised. Sasha also took out a pencil and began writing on a random empty paper that was sitting on her desk when she walked into the class. Once she finished writing, she passed the note down to Marcy, and Marcy began to read what she wrote down on the paper. 'Guys, cut it out. Your going to get us all in trouble, not that I care. ⚔️😘💅🏾'

Marcy choked back a laugh once she saw the signature and the sassy tone in the note Sasha had written. Marcy then passed the note down to Anne, who had her eyes squinted, her thumb and index finger under her chin, and was biting her lip. It took everything in Marcy to hold back from howling in front of the entire class and interrupting the lesson that was being taught.

Anne grabbed the paper from Marcy's hand and read what was on it. Right as soon as she read it she started laughing silently. It wasn't even that funny not gonna lie, there was just something in them that made them get the giggles. It's was fine, only until Marcy began laughing too, then Sasha. Soon enough, all three of them were silently cackling and slapping each others backs. Meanwhile, they're classmates were wondering who was secretly laughing and playing around while the teacher was teaching.

As the girls were laughing, they suddenly heard the teachers voice. "Why do I hear quiet laughing? Why are people talking while I'm talking?" The teacher questioned.

They're classmates started looking around until they're eyes met the three girls. Everything went silent around them and all eyes were on them. Out of nowhere, Sasha broke the silence. "Why is everyone staring at us like we murdered they're grandparents?"

"Detention after school, all three of you."

(Time skip after school)

"Man this sucks ass!" Sasha whined.

"Quit complaining Sash, you the one that got us into this mess with your stupid little note!" Anne replied, dramatically.

"Nobody cares guys, god my parents are gonna kill me when I get home." Marcy chimed in.

"Man, this is the first time I've ever felt the feeling of being held hostage in a room full of random chairs with my two best friends." Marcy stated.

"I'm pretty sure you've been held hostage way smaller room than this. A green tube." Sasha said, certainly.

"Wow, just joke about my trauma, why don't you." Marcy responded, nonchalantly.

The room went silent, it stayed like that for a bit until the girls found random things to do like daydream at a wall, or imagine what would happen if you farted out loud in class.

Marcy looked around the room, finding something random to stare at, instead of finding something random, she met Sasha's eyes. They gazed into each others eyes for a long period of time until Sasha did something that caught Marcy off guard.

Marcy was staring into her eyes until Sasha sat up straight and blew a kiss at her, with a wink. Marcy quickly looked away from her as she felt her heart rate start to speed up. Trying to find something else to do and avoid eye contact with Sasha, her eyes wandered on Anne. Who was in her own little world.

Marcy scanned up and down her features. 'God she's gorgeous. She looks so beautiful doing everything. She could be making the ugliest face in existence and she'd still look gorgeous.'

Anne felt Marcy's piercing eyes on her and turned her head to face Marcy. "Why are you glaring at me dear?" Anne questioned, sweetly.

Marcy felt her face heat up as she opened her mouth to speak. "I wasn't glaring at you, we looked at each other at the same time.." Marcy responded.

"Aww, love. You can just say that you were eyeing me the entire time while admiring my looks!" Anne said, teasingly.

"I-I-I was not!"

"Yes you were." Sasha chimed in, while scooting her chair very close to Marcy.

"You know what you were doing, you think we're so gorgeous and you stare at us during your free time and think we don't know about it." Sasha teased, as she gently planted a kiss on Marcy's cheek.

"Yea, you know were irresistible.." Anne said, also scooting her chair close to Marcy's and grabbing hold of her hand.

"Dont be so flustered dearie." Anne said gently.

As the two girls were busy teasing they're friend, they hear a door open. The three girls look up and see the teacher. "Uh, you're times up. And am I interrupting something here?" The teacher questioned, one eyebrow raised.

"U-Uh, no! We were just leaving!" Marcy stuttered, speed walking about of the detention room.

Marcy was walking in the hallway going to her locker as her two friends followed behind her.

Marcy opened up her locker and grabbed her bag and her books. Sasha and Anne had opened theirs up at the same time and one pink letter dropped out of both of they're lockers.

"Huh? A letter?" Sasha said, confused.

"I got one too, I wonder who could have put it in our lockers.." Anne wondered.

Anne and Sasha opened up they're letters and began to read what it said.

"Hmm.. whoever wrote this really seems to have a thing for me." Sasha assumed.

"Yea me too, mine is very romantic." Anne agreed.

"And the handwriting is girly, whoever wrote this is probably a girl that has a crush on the both of us. The tone in this note is all sweet too." Sasha suspected.

"Oh well,  whoever wrote the note might not want you to find out who they are right away so I think it's best if you stop speculating! Anyways, you girls wanna have a sleepover at my place?" Marcy asked, changing the subject.

"Of course girlfriend! You know we could never say no to you!" Sasha accepted, a sassy tone in her voice.

"Sure, I'll just have to ask my parents." Anne also accepted.

"Great!" Marcy responded, excitedly.

The three girls started walking towards the entrance of the school, and began heading to Marcy's house for they're sleepover.

I apologize, this is kinda lazy compared to the last chapter, I'll do better in the next.

This chapter has a total of 1359 words.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now