"But," she went on with emphasis, her lips twitching. Ximena knew exactly what she was about to say next and it made her panick slightly. Without knowing, her body had gravitated towards Adriano and she grabbed his hand. He regarded her with a calm facade and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. Here goes nothing, she thought with a shaky sigh. "This is also her engagement party!" she chirped happily into the mic.

Gasps echoed throughout the grand hall and many eyes turned to look at her, including Adriano's friends. Santiago gave her a smug smile but Omar looked totally baffled by the sudden announcement. "And her fiance is that gorgeous man standing right next to her. I'm sure most of you know him. He goes by the name Adriano Dos Santos," Andrea pronounced proudly. By now everybody was practically looking at them.

And then a round of thunderous applause exploded. It became too real for Ximena, so much so that she could feel herself begin to hyperventilate. Sensing her nervousness, Adriano slid his arm across her waist and pulled her to him. He dipped his head and whispered into her ear, "Tranquila, carina." His lips brushed her earlobe in the process and it sent shivers down her spine. When she looked into his entrancing green eyes, they held an emotion she couldn't quite decipher.

Then he smiled his bright and dazzling smile at her. She smiled back. Her nerves dissipated.

"Congratulations you two," said Santiago with a lopsided grin. "I guess you're gonna be my sister in law," he directed at Ximena and she chuckled despite herself. There was something about him that made her feel at ease. She could certainly feel like they would be getting along quite well in the future.

A guilty look flashed across Omar's face. "Adri, I'm really sorr-" he had wanted to say but Adriano cut him off abruptly.

"Save it," he huffed curtly and then turned to leave with Ximena still in his arm. As they left, she looked back over her shoulder to see Omar sighing and then Santiago gave him a pat on the back. Although she ought to have been mad at him, she somehow felt bad for the guy.

Before they got far her parents, Mr Dos Santos came into view. They were all dressed finely, in tailored suits and expensive evening gowns. Her mum was the first to rush to them and then gave both of them a tight embrace. Ximena laughed and hugged her back, so did Adriano but he seemed slightly uncomfortable. He was probably not used to such blatant display of affection. Once Dolores had let go, she lightly cupped both their faces with her hands. "You two make such a splendid couple!" she gushed, earning a blush from Ximena. Adriano just smiled at her.

Her dad came and gave Adriano a handshake to congratulate him and an awkward side hug to Ximena. Emilio was never one for hugs but she knew he loved her nonetheless. Next was Samara who wouldn't stop complimenting both her outfit and hair. Adriano had began to converse with her dad about something that she couldn't hear. Mr Dos Santos came into view. Granted he was handsome like his son but there was something sinister about him. His hollow green eyes raked her entire body and she felt repulsed by his lack of shame.

"Congratulations my dear," he said in Spanish then he pulled her into a hug. She stumbled forward and went rigid when he spoke once again, "Welcome to the game," he said so lowly and menacingly that her veins filled with ice. He stroked her back with his cold hand and then let her go, giving her a malice filled grin. Startled, Ximena looked down at her shoes in alarm as she felt her heart beat spike. What had he meant by game?

Emilio spoke up once again. "I'll introduce to everyone," he said and then motioned for them to follow.

It felt like hours elapsed as they went around the ballroom. Others had began to sit down and put their desired dishes in with the waiters. It seemed her siblings had disappeared into thin air, along with Adriano's friends. Feeling her feet starting to hurt from all the walking and standing, Ximena excused herself and made her way to her designated table. She sat down and sighed as the pain in her legs began to fade. She hunched over the table so she didn't notice the person who walked up behind her.

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