Chapter Thirteen: At stake[2]

Start from the beginning

Without hesitation, Luna clicked the bottom part and it did reveal her more information regarding Vincent.

【Weakness: Sour plums...】

'That's...why is that a weakness?'

Other Magic

•Eye magic
•Immobilization magic
•Dispel 】

Unlike the characters Luna encountered, Vincent was the first one who has a complete data. Although it seems kind of lacking and incomplete in explanation— but that didn't really concern her— what shaken her was that his magic was quite... terrifying.

Luna wondered, if they were to fight, how can they counter that Plant of death? Moreover, he also know dispel and immobilization magic.

'Does the library has a book about black arts? Or perhaps in the sacred book? Let's take a look tomorrow.' Luna thought as the screen vanished and realized that people were already at the center dancing. How long has she been in a daze? Even Remus and Rei were dancing on the slow beat—although, they were still arguing, Stomping on each other's feet.

Shiki was also nowhere to be found which made Luna to be left alone. Well, all she could do was gulp down the wine she poured.

Not a minute pass, a man wearing a golden mask approached her and asked her for a dance. All she did was look at the guy with a sour face, but he was avid. Luna, of course, kept on rejecting him but he suddenly grabbed her wrist and started to pull her.

'What's with this guy! Damn!' Luna keep on wriggling her hand away from the man's grasp but the more she resist the more firm the grasp was which eventually started to hurt her.


The man all of a sudden flew  and crash on the wall, blood dripping from his mouth. Luna instantly looked behind her, hoping to see Shiki but she was wrong.

Her eyes widen to see the Sub Head— Zachary dusting himself and fixing his mask as he approached Luna and flashed a smile.

"Are you alright, miss?" He asked reaching for Luna's hand which she swiftly avoided.

"Get that bastard out." Ordered Vincent as two guards picked up the man who assaulted Luna.

Zachary, all of a sudden bowed and apologize. "I hope this will be a lesson to all of you, if a woman says no, then don't insist on taking her." He said as he looked—glared at the people especially to the man being dragged by two guards. He then turned to Luna with an ominous look, "May I...know your name?"

Luna's clench her teeth as her eyes wander, hoping someone would get her out of this situation, but seems like no one dares to step in even Remus and Rei.

Finally, she heaved a sigh and answered, "I'm sorry but...I wish to keep my identity a secret if you wouldn't mind."

She kept her head up high, yet she was honestly feeling overwhelmed. She flinch when her eyes met with his bloodly eyes as if it was glowing while looking at her.


A hand creeped up on her, which made her to turn to her side. Fortunately, it was Shiki. He was holding her hand which was obviously trembling. She may be a man inside but this overwhelming presence was too much, moreover he's the Sub head of the Black Arts.

"Sorry to interrupt, but may I get my partner back?" Shiki said in a very apathetic manner. Without even waiting for Zachary's response he quickly grab Luna by the hand and walk their way out from the balcony.

His hand holding her was very gentle, it was as if he was holding something fragile—keeping it from breaking.

Once they've reached the balcony on the east side of the hall, Luna finally let out a sigh of relief as she place her hand on top of the a marble barricade.

"You ok?" Shiki suddenly asked, as he too leaned back.

Luna glance up at him and to the forest in front of them. "More or less. Where did you go by the way?" She asked changing the subject.

Shiki looked at her for a minute before answering.

"Went to get some information, fortunately I've got plenty." He said, Luna couldn't tell if he was happy or not, for it was a nonchalant answer. Well that's how he is.

'Hey Dizian!'

Hmm?! Luna winced as she abruptly looked up.

Agapius suddenly appear out of nowhere. Floating and smiling at her from above, he was on his original form, furthermore, his hair which was a shoulder length was now longer.

'He can play with his appearance too, huh?'

Shiki who suddenly glance at Luna who was looking above with furrowed brow also made him to look up. But there was nothing to see. Must she be seeing things? Shiki realized something, he hadn't see Luna's Divine beast since morning which was very unlikely. Or could it possibly be that thing was invisible the whole time which is why Luna is looking at the sky with that look on her face? It's just his hypothesis, but it could possibly be true.

All of a sudden, Luna jumped up from leaning while she has a frustrated and bewildered expression. Without saying anything, she all of a sudden run away.

"Hey!" Shiki shouted. He was perplexed by what Luna just did, why in the world did she suddenly ran away?

Shiki ruffled his hair, something struck him making him turn to the forest in front then above, he undoubtedly knew she saw something, or telepathically communicate with something earlier which resulted to her recent action.

He knew he doesn't need to worry for he can track her with the brooch, but why does it feel like something ominous is about to happen?

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