S2 Ep2 Confession

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This is it lads. The confession chapter. We have romance. Passion. Flower! Oh baby it is going to be perfect and of cours accompanied by my favorite lov song which is from fnaf the musical. No I will not elaborate. Just listen to it. Im not gonna even bother with the other plots. This is the only one that matters. Also there will be a lot of POV changes for dramatic effect.

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Writing. It's something that Y/N wouldn't really consider themselves something to be good at, especially considering their grades, but when they're writing a heartfelt letter in a Banafsaji purple pen (hex color #b00b69) to express the feelings to the on that they love most, they are essentially Shakespeare.

They wrote all the bottled up feelings onto lovely pink paper. When finished they sealed it with avery visible kiss on the bottom of the letter then actually sealed it with a fancy wax seal with tiny flower petals mixed inside. While they were on it they might as well stuff some more flower petal in the actual letter. It could leav pretty imprints onto the paper and emphasise the romantic intentions. There is no way in hell that h can get the wrong idea about this.

Once they arrived at school they delivered the letter to his little shoe cubby where several other letters adressed to Kuboyasu await him. Man, someone's popular. Y/N was kinda proud for him but at the same time there was an underlying feeling in their stomach. A caving feeling that thos other letter could be confessions as well. No wait they're just hungry. They should go grab a bagel from the cafeteria or something before class.

Kuboyasu POV

Aren was just sitting in class looking at a peice of paper but quickly shoved it into his desk when he saw Nendou and Kaido. He seened to be bothered by something but when asked about it by his friends he brushed it off. Claiming that it "Was no big deal really" it was nothing nobel or ignoble either. "Sorry to worry you"

But they should. The paper that ha been mentioned before was an invitation to fight. Ever since he gave up his delinquent ways Carnage Middle's Murder Weapon had been getting them. And they've been getting more frequent recently. He'd hate to fight but it's the only way he could be left alone. Besides, what sort of things would those punks do to his friends if he refused.

It pained him to think of the possibilities so when the last school bell rang he of course he went off to fight for the safety of the people he cares about the most.

"So you're Aren Kuboyasu, Right?" The punk stood hi ground out behind the school. "I'm glad you decided to show up" The punk looked strong and had some scars on hia fac to sho that this ain't his first rodeo. But though he seemed bigger and stronger, Kuboyasu had the upper hand. Always had.

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